Windows 7 anybody using the AMD Phenom processor with windows 7


New Member
Jan 15, 2009
Just wondering if anybody is using windows 7 in a quad core. Have vista in the quad and it runs real nice. How's windows 7 in one?

I don't have a Phenom Quad-Core yet but a close friend of mine just got a new mobo and cpu. She got one of the new Phenom 2's (AMD Phenom2 X4 920 2.8GHZ to be exact) and I installed Win 7 beta (Build 7000) on it last week actually and it runs VERY well.. There were no problems with getting 7 to utilize all 4 cores or anything.. Installation took about 16 minutes from start to useable desktop and all drivers installed without a hitch... ;) She was going to run some benchmarks on it to compare with my Athlon 64 X2 5400+ (2.8GHZ) cpu but hasn't had a chance yet.. when she does I'll post the results.. ;)

Overall though Win 7 Beta is VERY snappy on it though to say the least... :)

I have a AMD phenom 9950 Black and it works amazing.. it runs faster on windows 7 then it does vista (that was expected). It came stock @ 2.6GHz and i got it up to 2.8GHz.. so thats cool. When it idles, the average usage for it is like 0.5-2%.. isnt a lot, which is great :)

With the hardware you listed you feel windows 7 is definitly and improvement from vista. I have vista on mine (probably because of the quad core) don't see what the vista problems even are.

How could you get the 2.6 to 2.9?

A lot of people were annoyed by the UA controls that they couldnt change.. thats an improvement with windows 7. and windows 7 compared to vista uses up less cpu usage and 10% less RAM. And also, boots up faster.. Vista is OK. there are a few minor things that need adjusting/fixing but hey, theres really no such thing as a PERFECT OS lol..

Sorry, I meant to say "2.7GHz". Im trying for 2.8... I just dont know how the stock fan and heatsink will be able to cool it off that much.

How could you get the 2.6 to 2.9?

He would have gotten the clock speed higher by overclocking it... ;) Which can be done multiple ways.. most common of which is through the BIOS... It's just a shame most AMD cpu's don't overclock near as well as Intel's do.. Someday maybe.. I'm hearing good things about the Phenom 2 lineup.. especially for overclocking... I've always favoured AMD over Intel so I'm hoping those rumours turn out to be true...

I agree.AMD isnt the best processor for overclocking.. mine will only let me overclock it by 10%. I havent tried 10% yet because i dont want to take the risk of burning up on my stock heatsink and stock fan by doing that....Maybe some day :D

I had a 9950 BE not so long ago and i got it up to 3.0 on stock voltage just by setting the multiplier to 15 with air cooling. I thought they overclocked pretty well, think I had it on 3.2 in the end (but Im sure I couldve gone further). Anyways it wasnt half as fast as my Q9450 which I've pushed to 3.6

Of course the Q9550 runs about $275.00-$300.00 where the AMD Phenom 9950BE (2.6Ghz quad -- overclockable to 3.2Ghz) is down to about $150.00 now and the Phenom II 940 (3.0Ghz overclockable to 3.5Ghz) is only $229.00. (

The most important point is that even the i7 extremes are only slightly faster than the Phenom II 940 on most tests (
