As of midnight April 10th Japan time, here's the news update:


Cooler King
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Thanks to RubiconDecision - USA

Unit #1 appears to be extremely radioactive based on data parameters for the dry well (over 100 Sv/h) and the suppression pool (12 Sv/h). While the D/W is off the charts, all other data points indicate some kind of operation is occurring. The fuel rods in #1 still appear to be exposed to open air. No media disclosures nor TEPCO press releases have been issued concerning the massive radiation at #1.

A special 145 member US Marine decontamination team, various nuclear experts, a special robot for inspections is on site in Japan. The military team is the Chemical Biological Incident Response Force.

Two of the largest concrete pumps in the world have arrived in Japan. They have been retrofitted to spray water, and can operate up to 3 km away from the site to cool it down remotely. This is important since #1-#3 reactors have recently been too radioactive for workers to enter.

A steel fence and enclosure is being built to contain radioactive water.

A special processing unit is being sent from Russia to deal with the radioactive water. Apparently it is a kind of filtering unit that can remove radiation from the cooling water. If they can do this extraction, they will still be creating enormous tons of radioactive water, but they can recycle
the water rather than dumping so much of it at sea. Developing.

The US is considering decreasing their recommended evacuation zone radius from 80 km to 40 km away from the Daiichi nuclear facility at Fukushima. This is particularly puzzling considering the enormously high radiation readings at unit #1.

Japan is considering lifting a food ban of some agricultural products at Fukushima. At the same time, high amounts of Cs-137 have been detected in the soil at two farm locations, and rice farmers will not be allowed to plant at those specific locations this year. One of the locations is Iitake village, which is 40 km from the Daiichi facility. Pregnant women and young children have been asked to evacuate that area since it lies outside the government’s current evacuation zone.
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