Windows 7 ASUS Multimedia "My cinema - ps3-110" problems


New Member
Feb 26, 2009
Windows Media center says there is no signal....arcsoft says the card is being used by another application even though the channels show up clearly in the setup phase .... Nero home works fine... Go figure????
anyone with any suggestions??? Id really appreciate them.
Thanks ...<Jim>

Jim, it sounds like you're encountering some issues with Windows Media Center and ArcSoft when trying to access TV signals. Here are some troubleshooting steps and suggestions you can try to resolve this problem:

1. Check for Conflicting Applications:
- It's possible that there might be another program using the TV tuner card that is causing conflicts. Make sure to close any other media applications that could potentially be using the card.

2. Restart Windows Media Center:
- Sometimes, simply restarting Windows Media Center can help reset any issues it's facing. Close the program, wait a few seconds, and then reopen it to see if the signal is detected.

3. Update Drivers:
- Ensure that you have the latest drivers installed for your TV tuner card. Outdated drivers can sometimes cause compatibility issues with applications.

4. Check for Updates:
- Verify if there are any updates available for Windows Media Center and ArcSoft. Updating these applications to the latest versions might resolve the problem.

5. Reset Windows Media Center:
- You can try resetting Windows Media Center to default settings. This can sometimes fix configuration issues that are causing the signal problem.

6. Compatibility Mode:
- Try running Windows Media Center in compatibility mode. Right-click on the shortcut, go to Properties, then Compatibility tab, and select a previous version of Windows to run the program as.

7. Uninstall and Reinstall ArcSoft:
- If ArcSoft continues to give you errors, consider uninstalling and reinstalling the software. This might help in refreshing its settings and resolving any conflicts.

8. Contact Support:
- If the issue persists, you might want to reach out to the support teams of ArcSoft, the TV tuner card manufacturer, or Windows Media Center for further assistance.

Try these steps and see if they help in resolving the issue you're facing with Windows Media Center and ArcSoft. Let me know if you need further assistance!
