Windows 7 Audio on Windows 7 x86 build 7000


New Member
Jan 14, 2009
Hi all!
I've an Audigy LS audio card and Windows7 doesn't recognize it.
When I try to update my system through windows update the system gives me an error, so I think that windows update is not avaible yet for this OS...:confused:
I would like to know if there's an audio card that works fine with windows 7...can anyone help me? I would buy a new audio card...
Sorry for my english!!
Thanks in advance!

Windows Update is working for the beta, and has been since it was released.

I have a SB Audigy 4, which works fine in Win7. Although I did install the latest Vista drivers so it would work better.

I'm using M-Audio's 1010LT soundcard with drivers updated for Vista SP1, and it works fine.... my guess is the M-Audio 2496 sound card would also work with the Vista SP1 drivers on W7.
