Windows 7 BlueScreen 1a problem

Cristian Donciu

New Member
Mar 16, 2017

I have a blue screen error, BCCode 1a.
Please, can someone clarify me whether this error can be cured or it is a irremediable hardware problem.
I have attached the dumb files and information about my system.

Thank you!

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 1a
BCP1: 0000000000041201
BCP2: FFFFF6800031B000
BCP3: E0975B88291BC1A3
BCP4: FFFFFA80099354D0
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1


I have a blue screen error, BCCode 1a.
Please, can someone clarify me whether this error can be cured or it is a irremediable hardware problem.
Bugcheck 1A is usually associated with failing RAM although it can also be caused by software/drivers. If you can post the dump files we can then determine what your best course of action is.
If no dump files are available then you need to change settings so they are created when a bsod occurs.

Open the run application.
Type sysdm.cpl in the run box and click ok.
Look across the top of the system properties box for 'Advanced' and click that.
Look for 'Startup and Recovery' near the bottom and click 'settings'.
Near the bottom you'll see a drop down menu under the heading 'write debugging information'.
In the drop down menu choose ' small memory dump (256KB)'
Under 'small dump directory' make sure it says %SystemRoot%\Minidump.
Click ok and your good to go.

Finally a real simple test to see if it is the RAM that's at fault is to run the machine on one stick at a time. If you find that the machine blue screens on one particular stick but not the others then you have the culprit..

Anyhoo, if you can, please post those dumps and we'll take a look.


I see a lot of 1A and 50 which are both memory related.

1: kd> du KiBugCheckDriver
fffff800`030312a0 "????????????????????????????????"
fffff800`030312e0 "????????????????????????????????"
fffff800`03031320 "????????????????????????????????"
fffff800`03031360 "????????????????????????????????"
fffff800`030313a0 "????????????????????????????????"
fffff800`030313e0 "????????????????????????????????"
fffff800`03031420 "????????????????????????????????"
fffff800`03031460 "????????????????????????????????"
fffff800`030314a0 "????????????????????????????????"
fffff800`030314e0 "????????????????????????????????"
fffff800`03031520 "????????????????????????????????"
fffff800`03031560 "????????????????????????????????"

There is no driver name listed so either the stack is corrupt or this wasn't a driver issue.

The other piece that leads me to believe this is memory hardware related is the IRQL level during the dump
PROCESS_NAME: taskhost.exe


IRQL 0 is basically for application space so a device hasn't interrupted otherwise IRQL would be much higher.

I would download and run memtest86+ for at least 10 passes or until you get errors. If you get errors and have multiple memory sticks, remove all but one and test. Repeat until you hit errors again and replace the memory stick.
Neem's is bang on with his assessment .

Good luck with the testing.