Windows 7 BSOD Issues After Inserting Macrium Rescue Disc: Any Harm Done?


Fantastic Member
Mar 31, 2011
Macrium rescue disc created the bsod. I inserted the disc which was an update and the pc kept booting with the blue screern. I could only read dump files but it dropped off too quickly.
I finally stopped it from booting by inserting another disc and it seems to run ok now. Any harm done?
Thank you
The bsod is saved as a .dmp file in the C:\windows\minidump folder, you need to configure startup and recovery options to use the small memory dump file.

In Control Panel click System. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Settings under Startup and Recovery. In the Write debugging information list, click Small memory dump (64k).
Probably a bad/unbootable disk, you could try making another if you use macrium. But there shouldnt be any damage done.

You can look for the bsod dump in C:\windows\minidump folder and ask for help to ascertain the exact cause.
New disc is good now - thank you
I traced C:\windows\minidump and could not find anything in or after Windows; what is the name of the folder after Windows if not minidump?
The bsod is saved as a .dmp file in the C:\windows\minidump folder, you need to configure startup and recovery options to use the small memory dump file.

In Control Panel click System. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Settings under Startup and Recovery. In the Write debugging information list, click Small memory dump (64k).
Thank you, Bill, for taking the time. I am making notes as I type so I can attend to this task
I have clicked as directed.
I wish to learn what I have accomplished and what to expect from this action if you would be good enough to briefly explain. The settings are as you directed me to perform except that the words are small memory dump 256 MB not 56K. Does that make a difference?.
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