
Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2010
Hello all-

I've recently started getting consistent BSOD's. After reviewing the crash dumps, it seems as though Windows' AgileVPN driver may be causing the problem. I've tried updating my wireless card's drivers and also uninstalling the drivers and letting Windows detect and install its default driver to no avail.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've attached my last four dumps.View attachment dumps.zip

Hello !!

I ran your Dump files more likely it's some Hardware that is causing the issue. Few Bugchecks mainly MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION (9c) which means "your hardware did something horribly wrong and we have no idea of how to continue."

I suspect it might be a defective Wifi card or might not be compatible with Windows 7. If you have a different Computer and test it in that PC and see if it works.

The Dumps are pointing to some core OS which more likely not causing the problem and your VPN that might be the issue.

rasl2tp.sys  - RAS L2TP mini-port/call-manager driver 
AgileVpn.sys - RAS Agile Vpn Miniport Call Manager
intelppm.sys - Processor Device Driver

Update the Following Drivers

Hello !!

I ran your Dump files more likely it's some Hardware that is causing the issue. Few Bugchecks mainly MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION (9c) which means "your hardware did something horribly wrong and we have no idea of how to continue."

I suspect it might be a defective Wifi card or might not be compatible with Windows 7. If you have a different Computer and test it in that PC and see if it works.

The Dumps are pointing to some core OS which more likely not causing the problem and your VPN that might be the issue.

rasl2tp.sys  - RAS L2TP mini-port/call-manager driver 
AgileVpn.sys - RAS Agile Vpn Miniport Call Manager
intelppm.sys - Processor Device Driver

Update the Following Drivers

WinRing0x64.sys Sat Jul 26 18:59:37 2008
ASACPI.sys   Mon Mar 28 08:00:36 2005
adfs.SYS     Fri Jun 27 02:22:37 2008

Regarding ASACPI.sys it's well known for BSOD. So i would suggest to just rename it. It belongs to Asus Motherboard Utility.

Goto C:\Windows\Drivers and locate ASACPI.sys and rename it to ASACPI.old

A fatal Machine Check Exception has occurred.
KeBugCheckEx parameters;
    x86 Processors
        If the processor has ONLY MCE feature available (For example Intel
        Pentium), the parameters are:
        1 - Low  32 bits of P5_MC_TYPE MSR
        2 - Address of MCA_EXCEPTION structure
        3 - High 32 bits of P5_MC_ADDR MSR
        4 - Low  32 bits of P5_MC_ADDR MSR
        If the processor also has MCA feature available (For example Intel
        Pentium Pro), the parameters are:
        1 - Bank number
        2 - Address of MCA_EXCEPTION structure
        3 - High 32 bits of MCi_STATUS MSR for the MCA bank that had the error
        4 - Low  32 bits of MCi_STATUS MSR for the MCA bank that had the error
    IA64 Processors
        1 - Bugcheck Type
            1 - MCA_ASSERT
            2 - MCA_GET_STATEINFO
                SAL returned an error for SAL_GET_STATEINFO while processing MCA.
            3 - MCA_CLEAR_STATEINFO
                SAL returned an error for SAL_CLEAR_STATEINFO while processing MCA.
            4 - MCA_FATAL
                FW reported a fatal MCA.
            5 - MCA_NONFATAL
                SAL reported a recoverable MCA and we don't support currently
                support recovery or SAL generated an MCA and then couldn't
                produce an error record.
            0xB - INIT_ASSERT
            0xC - INIT_GET_STATEINFO
                  SAL returned an error for SAL_GET_STATEINFO while processing INIT event.
            0xD - INIT_CLEAR_STATEINFO
                  SAL returned an error for SAL_CLEAR_STATEINFO while processing INIT event.
            0xE - INIT_FATAL
                  Not used.
        2 - Address of log
        3 - Size of log
        4 - Error code in the case of x_GET_STATEINFO or x_CLEAR_STATEINFO
    AMD64 Processors
        1 - Bank number
        2 - Address of MCA_EXCEPTION structure
        3 - High 32 bits of MCi_STATUS MSR for the MCA bank that had the error
        4 - Low  32 bits of MCi_STATUS MSR for the MCA bank that had the error

A driver is causing an inconsistent power state.
Arg1: 0000000000000003, A device object has been blocking an Irp for too long a time
Arg2: fffffa8009da94d0, Physical Device Object of the stack
Arg3: fffff80000b9c518, Functional Device Object of the stack
Arg4: fffffa800cf76e10, The blocked IRP

!drvobj fffffa800b8e0cf0 f
fffff80002e2f790: Unable to get value of ObpRootDirectoryObject
fffff80002e2f790: Unable to get value of ObpRootDirectoryObject
Driver object (fffffa800b8e0cf0) is for:
Driver Extension List: (id , addr)

Device Object list:

DriverEntry:   fffff880053d025c    rasl2tp!GsDriverEntry
DriverStartIo: 00000000    
DriverUnload:  fffff88001590340    ndis!ndisMUnload
AddDevice:     00000000    

Dispatch routines:
[00] IRP_MJ_CREATE                      fffff880014e5c30    ndis!ndisCreateIrpHandler
[01] IRP_MJ_CREATE_NAMED_PIPE           fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[02] IRP_MJ_CLOSE                       fffff880014e6010    ndis!ndisCloseIrpHandler
[03] IRP_MJ_READ                        fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[04] IRP_MJ_WRITE                       fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[05] IRP_MJ_QUERY_INFORMATION           fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[06] IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION             fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[07] IRP_MJ_QUERY_EA                    fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[08] IRP_MJ_SET_EA                      fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[09] IRP_MJ_FLUSH_BUFFERS               fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[0a] IRP_MJ_QUERY_VOLUME_INFORMATION    fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[0b] IRP_MJ_SET_VOLUME_INFORMATION      fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[0c] IRP_MJ_DIRECTORY_CONTROL           fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[0d] IRP_MJ_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL         fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[0e] IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL              fffff8800157c020    ndis!ndisDeviceControlIrpHandler
[0f] IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL     fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[10] IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN                    fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[11] IRP_MJ_LOCK_CONTROL                fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[12] IRP_MJ_CLEANUP                     fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[13] IRP_MJ_CREATE_MAILSLOT             fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[14] IRP_MJ_QUERY_SECURITY              fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[15] IRP_MJ_SET_SECURITY                fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[16] IRP_MJ_POWER                       fffff880015307c0    ndis!ndisPowerDispatch
[17] IRP_MJ_SYSTEM_CONTROL              fffff880015508f0    ndis!ndisWMIDispatch
[18] IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CHANGE               fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[19] IRP_MJ_QUERY_QUOTA                 fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[1a] IRP_MJ_SET_QUOTA                   fffff8800157c490    ndis!ndisDummyIrpHandler
[1b] IRP_MJ_PNP                         fffff88001581220    ndis!ndisPnPDispatch

Hope this helps,

A driver is causing an inconsistent power state.
Arg1: 0000000000000003, A device object has been blocking an Irp for too long a time
Arg2: fffffa8009da94d0, Physical Device Object of the stack
Arg3: fffff80000b9c518, Functional Device Object of the stack
Arg4: fffffa800cf76e10, The blocked IRP

Debugging Details:

There's a driver bugging out the system.

We can attempt to fix this.

First, for troubleshooting purposes, I would uninstall the Symantec/Norton product for sure.

I would also uninstall Rainmeter to get rid of this old driver. (You could always reinstall later when things are well. When it crashes, you'll know it's this. And if not....you'll know too.)

WinRing0x64 WinRing0x64.sys Sat Jul 26 09:29:37 2008


This Realtek networking driver needs to be updated:

Rt64win7 Rt64win7.sys Fri May 22 10:52:30 2009

Check the device manager under network section to see which exact Realtek lan you have. Then search on the left side of this link for the updated driver. For example: 8111C

Link Removed


This driver must be updated for sure and is most likely the issue at hand:

ASACPI   ASACPI.sys   Sun Mar 27 22:30:36 2005

You can visit the manufacturer's site for your motherboard. Then go to downloads and install all the latest utilities. I can help you better and more exact if you tell us your motherboard model. You can use CPU-Z to find out which it is.


Hi all-

Thanks for the help, however I just got another BSOD. I've updated the following the Realtek and ASACPI drivers, and I also swapped my wireless card for a new one. I've attached the new dump. Also, where is the WinRing file located and how do I go about uninstalling it? Or is the problem pointing somewhere else?

Much thanks!
View attachment 070310-25100-01.zip

Also, my motherboard is an ASUS P6T SE LGA 1366 Intel X58 ATX

First, for troubleshooting purposes, I would uninstall the Symantec/Norton product for sure.

These drivers are still on the system, showing Norton had not been uninstalled:

SYMEVENT64x86 SYMEVENT64x86.SYS Wed Jun 24 16:19:12 2009
SRTSPX64 SRTSPX64.SYS Mon Aug 10 23:31:44 2009
SRTSP64  SRTSP64.SYS  Mon Aug 10 23:30:48 2009
Here's a special tool to do so:

AV Uninstallers - Windows 7 Forums

If you still have bsod after doing that, then run Driver Verifier to post its crash dump here to pinpoint the faulty driver. Here's how:

Link Removed

Hi everyone. Posting again because I'm still having trouble. It's now not a BSOD but rather a prolonged Sleep shutdown that ends in the comp crashing and powering off.

I have no antivirus installed and I've replaced my wireless card. I've installed the latest drivers I could find for everything on my system.

Latest crashdump is attached. Once again I appreciate everyone's help.View attachment 102410-22120-01.zip

Update Realtek lan driver:

Rt64win7 Rt64win7.sys Sat Dec 19 04:11:30 2009

Link Removed


Update wireless adapter driver from the manufacturer's website:

netr28x netr28x.sys Fri Jun 19 03:56:06 2009


Your major issue however, is being cause by Network Magic. Uninstall it:

pnarp pnarp.sys Tue Oct 28 01:57:00 2008
purendis purendis.sys Tue Oct 28 00:31:28 2008

Hi all-

Updated both my LAN and wireless drivers, and got rid of Cisco's Network Magic.
Ran error-free for a few days but today crashed again--once again seemingly during the process of going to sleep until it finally kicked and powered off.

Newest crashdump: View attachment 110110-21840-01.zip

Thanks again for all the help.

Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers and delete adfs.sys.


If you're using any 3rd party VPN clients, that would be the cause though. Or could also be from the Apple Mobile software: usbaapl64.sys.

You're welcome.

Last edited:
I've deleted the adfs.sys file, and we'll see what happens.
I'm using the native Windows VPN, not any 3rd party clients. If the problem is in fact the Apple Mobile software, what could I do about it and still use my iPhone?

For certain, it is a specific driver causing the issue. It's not RAM or anything like that:

A driver is causing an inconsistent power state.
Arg1: 0000000000000003, A device object has been blocking an Irp for too long a time
Arg2: fffffa8009da2700, Physical Device Object of the stack
Arg3: fffff80000b9c518, Functional Device Object of the stack
Arg4: fffffa800c14be10, The blocked IRP

Debugging Details:
It isn't saying which is the culprit. Out of all of your drivers, this is suspect:

netr28x netr28x.sys Mon Jun 28 21:00:33 2010

I would update it or if possible, remove the wireless card from the machine until bsods happen or until you are certain that they are no longer happening.

Perhaps give a good scan with Malwarebytes after updating definitions because I see that you have no antivirus. You really should also install MSE too, for 24/7 protection.


This is not the issue, but it would good be anyhow to update the video card driver:

atikmdag atikmdag.sys Wed Aug 25 21:47:22 2010

Link Removed


And one more thing: I would delete C:\Windows\SysWow64\drivers\AsUpIO.sys and reboot.

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AsUpIO.sys is gone. Display driver has been updated.
The netr28x driver is the most up to date unfortunately.

After trying some different things, it seems like the crash happens when I connect to a VPN and transfer a decent amount of data with that connection. Any thoughts?
