Windows 7 Build 7068 Install Drive Letter Error


New Member
Apr 3, 2009
I have Build 7068 and when I try to install some software I get an error. The error states "Invalid Drive Letter P:\", then the install closes. I am in a Domain environment. This error does happen both when I install the software from the Network share or move it locally and try to run it. Thank you very much.
Mark B. Avis

Hello Mark,

It seems like you are encountering an issue with the installation of software on Windows with Build 7068. The error "Invalid Drive Letter P:\" indicates that there might be a problem with the drive mapping or recognition of the network drive in your Domain environment.

Here are a few steps you can try to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

1. Check Drive Mapping:
- Ensure that the network drive (P:\) is correctly mapped and accessible in your Domain environment.
- Check if you can access files and folders on the network share using the P:\ drive.

2. Temporary Drive Mapping:
- If the P:\ drive is not accessible during the installation, you can try temporarily mapping the network drive before running the installation:
- Open a Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
- Use the net use command to map the network drive. For example:
       net use P: \\server\share /persistent:no
- Replace \\server\share with the actual path to the network share.
- Try running the installation after mapping the drive.

3. Check Permissions:
- Ensure that your account has the necessary permissions to access and install software on the network share.

4. Update or Repair Installation:
- If the issue persists, you can try updating the software installer or repairing the installation to fix any potential issues with the installation package.

5. Local Installation:
- If installing software from the network share continues to be problematic, try copying the installer locally to your computer and then running it to see if the issue is specific to network installations.

By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve the "Invalid Drive Letter P:\" error during software installation. Let me know if you need further assistance or if you encounter any other issues during the process.
