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Windows 10 buttons close, maximize and minimize, win10 same as win7 or vista?


New Member
Aug 22, 2018
How do I leave the buttons: close, maximize and minimize, windows 10 same as windows 7 or vista?
How do I leave the buttons: close, maximize and minimize, windows 10 same as windows 7 or vista?
You do not understand, I did not mention the function of the buttons close, maximize, minimize, but their appearance, and the appearance of the window, which in windows 7 are smaller, rectangular, etc. I wanted to put a picture of the windows 7 window and the windows 10 window so you could look at the difference, but I do not know how to put photo on that site.

win10 button.JPG
window 7 buttons.JPG
I managed to put the photos, I want to leave the window of windows 10 identical to that of windows 7, see the difference in the buttons, they are not the same, I want the windows of windows 10, the buttons to be the same as to windows 7.

window 7 buttons.JPG
win10 button.JPG
how to have the appearance of windows 7 windows buttons in windows 10, i want to take those close buttons, maximize and minimize, small, like in windows 7 and not huge like in windows 10.

window 7 buttons.JPG
win10 button.JPG
As far as I know of you don't. Windows 7 and Windows 10 have different windowing graphics.
But in windows 7, we installed themes to change the windows, in windows 10 no theme or software can change the model of windows, what put in windows 10 that prevents this change? in windows xp, vista and 7 I could change the windows easily.
You can install different themes, but nothing will change those graphics in Windows 10 short of maybe hacking the resource files (which is risky).
Threads merged as they were basically the same question.