Windows 7 Cannot join Windows Server 2003 SBS Domain


Extraordinary Member
Jan 14, 2009
Hello. I am trying to join this Windows 7 machine to a domain run on a Windows Server 2003 SBS install. There are several other computers running Vista, XP and various distributions of Linux which have no problems whatsoever, so I know the issue must lie with Windows 7 itself. I am running the x64 edtion of build 7000.

Every time I head to Link Removed - Invalid URL and run through the wizard, after filling out all of the info and completing the steps and then clicking finish, I get an error that reads "An error occurred when configuring network settings. See your network administrator."

There are two network adapters on the computer (it is a laptop); the built-in wireless, and the built-in ethernet. I have tried this using both adapters, with the other adapter disabled; still no luck.

I'm not sure where to start on fixing this. Any help is much appreciated!

1/14/2009 5:04 PM
-- Starting SBS Net Setup --
-- Primary DNS [] is SBS Server --
-- ServerURL is [] --
IsNT6ProfileProviderInstalled(): User profile WMI provider found. Setting bFound to true
Starting wizard with strComputer [ALPHASERV], strDomain[AmericanPCSolutions.local], strNetBIOS [AMERICANPCSOLUT], strBase [ Link Removed]
IsNT6ProfileProviderInstalled(): User profile WMI provider found. Setting bFound to true
found [4] keys
CProfileList::CProfileList() - added [1001, C:\Users\norova] to the profile dir map
CProfileList::CProfileList() - added [norova, C:\Users\norova] to the profile dir map
CAuthPage::OnNotify() - PSN_WIZNEXT - User Name: ryan
CAuthPage::GetUsersAndComputers() - ADsOpenObject( Link Removed, ryan, [PW] )
CAuthPage::GetUsersAndComputers() - ADsOpenObject( Link Removed, ryan, [PW] )
CAuthPage::OnNotify() - PSN_SETACTIVE - our computer name IS in the AD
OpenXMLFile() - DOMDocument::load( C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Windows Small Business Server\Clients\usermap.txt ) failed - [1]
CProfileList::IsPrivateProfile( norova )
CProfileList::IsPrivateProfile() - starting the search [C:\Users\norova]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CProfileList::FindPrivateDir() - FindFirstFile() failed - [5]
CWizard::PrepAutoLogon() - runonce key set
CWizard::PrepAutoLogon() - setting DefaultDomainName_PostMigrate to [AMERICANPCSOLUT], [0]
CWizard::PrepAutoLogon() - setting DefaultUserName_PostMigrate to [], [0]
CWizard::FinishNetworkingSetup() - outputting XML file
FinishNetworkingSetup() -- calling NetJoinDomain( NULL, AmericanPCSolutions.local, ou=sbscomputers,ou=computers,ou=mybusiness,dc=americanpcsolutions,dc=local, AmericanPCSolutions.local\ryan, [pw], 359 )
FinishNetworkingSetup() -- NetJoinDomain() failed [1326], returning
FinishNetworkingSetup() failed -- hr == [-2147467259]
Deleted sbsmig out of runonce key.

01/14/2009 17:05:09:464 -----------------------------------------------------------------
01/14/2009 17:05:09:464 NetpDoDomainJoin
01/14/2009 17:05:09:464 NetpMachineValidToJoin: 'HORNET'
01/14/2009 17:05:09:464 OS Version: 6.1
01/14/2009 17:05:09:464 Build number: 7000 (7000.winmain_win7beta.081212-1400)
01/14/2009 17:05:09:465 SKU: Windows 7 Ultimate
01/14/2009 17:05:09:465 NetpDomainJoinLicensingCheck: ulLicenseValue=1, Status: 0x0
01/14/2009 17:05:09:466 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
01/14/2009 17:05:09:466 NetpMachineValidToJoin: status: 0x0
01/14/2009 17:05:09:466 NetpJoinDomain
01/14/2009 17:05:09:466 Machine: HORNET
01/14/2009 17:05:09:466 Domain: AmericanPCSolutions.local
01/14/2009 17:05:09:466 MachineAccountOU: ou=sbscomputers,ou=computers,ou=mybusiness,dc=americanpcsolutions,dc=local
01/14/2009 17:05:09:466 Account: AmericanPCSolutions.local\ryan
01/14/2009 17:05:09:466 Options: 0x167
01/14/2009 17:05:09:466 NetpJoinDomain: Unsecure join requested.
01/14/2009 17:05:09:466 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'AmericanPCSolutions.local' is valid as type 3 name
01/14/2009 17:05:09:466 NetpValidateName: 'AmericanPCSolutions.local' is not a valid NetBIOS domain name: 0x7b
01/14/2009 17:05:09:583 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'AmericanPCSolutions.local' returned 0x0
01/14/2009 17:05:09:583 NetpValidateName: name 'AmericanPCSolutions.local' is valid for type 3
01/14/2009 17:05:09:583 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'AmericanPCSolutions.local', flags: 0x40001010
01/14/2009 17:05:09:685 NetpLoadParameters: loading registry parameters...
01/14/2009 17:05:09:685 NetpLoadParameters: DNSNameResolutionRequired not found, defaulting to '1' 0x2
01/14/2009 17:05:09:685 NetpLoadParameters: status: 0x2
01/14/2009 17:05:09:688 NetpDsGetDcName: status of verifying DNS A record name resolution for 'alphaserv.AmericanPCSolutions.local': 0x0
01/14/2009 17:05:09:688 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\alphaserv.AmericanPCSolutions.local' in the specified domain
01/14/2009 17:05:09:688 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpDsGetDcName returned: 0x0
01/14/2009 17:05:09:828 NetpJoinDomain: status of connecting to dc '\\alphaserv.AmericanPCSolutions.local': 0x0
01/14/2009 17:05:09:828 NetpProvisionComputerAccount:
01/14/2009 17:05:09:828 lpDomain: AmericanPCSolutions.local
01/14/2009 17:05:09:828 lpMachineName: HORNET
01/14/2009 17:05:09:828 lpMachineAccountOU: ou=sbscomputers,ou=computers,ou=mybusiness,dc=americanpcsolutions,dc=local
01/14/2009 17:05:09:828 lpDcName: alphaserv.AmericanPCSolutions.local
01/14/2009 17:05:09:828 lpDnsHostName: (NULL)
01/14/2009 17:05:09:828 lpMachinePassword: (null)
01/14/2009 17:05:09:828 lpAccount: AmericanPCSolutions.local\ryan
01/14/2009 17:05:09:828 lpPassword: (non-null)
01/14/2009 17:05:09:828 dwJoinOptions: 0x167
01/14/2009 17:05:09:828 dwOptions: 0xc0000007
01/14/2009 17:05:09:859 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Passed DC 'alphaserv.AmericanPCSolutions.local' verified as DNS name '\\alphaserv.AmericanPCSolutions.local'
01/14/2009 17:05:09:938 NetpLdapBind: Verified minimum encryption strength on alphaserv.AmericanPCSolutions.local: 0x0
01/14/2009 17:05:09:938 NetpLdapGetLsaPrimaryDomain: reading domain data
01/14/2009 17:05:09:938 NetpGetNCData: Reading NC data
01/14/2009 17:05:09:940 NetpGetDomainData: Lookup domain data for: DC=AmericanPCSolutions,DC=local
01/14/2009 17:05:09:944 NetpGetDomainData: Lookup crossref data for: CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=AmericanPCSolutions,DC=local
01/14/2009 17:05:09:947 NetpLdapGetLsaPrimaryDomain: result of retrieving domain data: 0x0
01/14/2009 17:05:09:992 Failed to validate machine account for HORNET against alphaserv.AmericanPCSolutions.local: 0xc000006d
01/14/2009 17:05:09:992 NetpProvisionComputerAccount: status of validating account: 0x52e
01/14/2009 17:05:09:993 ldap_unbind status: 0x0
01/14/2009 17:05:09:993 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Function exits with status of: 0x52e
01/14/2009 17:05:09:993 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: status of disconnecting from '\\alphaserv.AmericanPCSolutions.local': 0x0
01/14/2009 17:05:09:993 NetpDoDomainJoin: status: 0x52e

I am having the exact same issues. I'm not sure what to do with this issue.

There is a hot fix that address this the networking forum for domain and the topic with 6-7 replies has the link to the hotfix

There is a hot fix that address this the networking forum for domain and the topic with 6-7 replies has the link to the hotfix

No, this is a separate issue. The one you are referring to has to do with an "invalid parameters" error, this is something completely different.

Have you already done the usual stuff

Have you done all the usual join network stuff, especially change the name of the workstation, TWICE. I have seen this problem. Even if you think the computer name is correct, rename it to anything else, then name it back to the computer name you have set up on the domain server. Then try rerunning connectcomputer. Also, shut off the firewall on the workstation while you are trying to use connect computer. You can also join it manually using the TCP/IP settings. It looks from the log like it is not liking the user credentials. Make sure the user you are using to log on is setup in the Domain controller, and to reiterate, that the computer is setup on the Domain controller.

Have you done all the usual join network stuff, especially change the name of the workstation, TWICE. I have seen this problem. Even if you think the computer name is correct, rename it to anything else, then name it back to the computer name you have set up on the domain server. Then try rerunning connectcomputer. Also, shut off the firewall on the workstation while you are trying to use connect computer. You can also join it manually using the TCP/IP settings. It looks from the log like it is not liking the user credentials. Make sure the user you are using to log on is setup in the Domain controller, and to reiterate, that the computer is setup on the Domain controller.

Yes, I have changed the computer name several time and tried various names, none work.

I have tried it with the firewall completely disabled and all anti-virus/firewall software removed from the machine.

I am also 100% positive that the credentials are correct. I am attempting to join it with our default domain administrator account. Additionally, the machine is most definitely set up in AD. I have run the new computer wizard every time I try to connect it.

Manual setup

Was the computer connected before the W7 upgrade? Have you tried to manually set up and join without using connectcomputer? Do you agree the the report looks like an authentication issue.? I'm going out, but I'll check in with you tomorrow if you want. Check out my post about W7 network printer sharing problem if you have a minute.

Was the computer connected before the W7 upgrade? Have you tried to manually set up and join without using connectcomputer? Do you agree the the report looks like an authentication issue.? I'm going out, but I'll check in with you tomorrow if you want. Check out my post about W7 network printer sharing problem if you have a minute.

The computer was connected to the domain in question with both Windows XP Pro and Windows Vista Business prior to me installing W7 on it.

From the looks of SBSNetSetup.log, the line "OpenXMLFile() - DOMDocument::load( C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Windows Small Business Server\Clients\usermap.txt ) failed - [1]" is the first failure I see.

In the second log, the first failure I see is "01/14/2009 17:05:09:992 Failed to validate machine account for HORNET against alphaserv.AmericanPCSolutions.local: 0xc000006d" which I can't really make any conclusions from.

Not sure if this is the same issue or not, but I had a problem getting build 7100 to join on SBS2003. The computer would show up in AD, but I would get the error "The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship", when trying to logon. I tried the nomal remove from domain, delete from AD, add to domain and that did not work. Below is what worked for me.

On your Domain Controller:

A) Start > Run > ADSIEDIT.MSC

B) Go to Domain Partition and mark the affected computer
C) Rightclick and Properties.
D) Doubleclick ServicePrincipalName

E) Add new value: HOST/ or whatever HOST is missing.
