Windows 7 Can't Upgrade Windows 7! :(


New Member
May 10, 2009
Hey, thanks for coming to my thread. My Issue is, I have tried upgrading from Vista to windows 7 Twice now. But both times during the Installation process, Where it says "Copying Windows Files, Copying documents, settings, profiles, folders etc" It gets to the last step, Where its copying my stuff. But It just gets stuck at 72% It Doesn't move. I left my Computer for like 4 Hours :( Its really sad :( Can someone please help me?

I Would like to Note, I wish to keep all my stuff. As I have over 150 Gigabytes of things, and Games that I've lost disks too. Along with Steam downloads, and I just don't have the Quota to re-download it all again in one night. Yeah, I'm from Australia :( Anyways

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Please note that Windows 7RC1 requires a clean install and will not upgrade. It would be recommended to backup your documents, pictures, music, settings, etc., and then peform a clean install on a blank parition.
You will have to reinstall your programs so if you can avoid it in the meantime, I usually recommend setting up a dual boot parition.
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Microsoft TechNet / Springboard
Hello and Welcome to Windows7forums.. :)

First off some computer specs would be nice.. ;)

Secondly, did you download the RC from Microsoft's site? Are you using the 32-bit or 64-bit? I assume by "upgrade" you mean your simply trying to upgrade from within Vista and are not doing a clean install? If so, then I would suggest you do a clean install.. ;) Upgrading just isn't a good idea, especially when dealing with an RC.. So put you Win 7 disc in, boot off of it then format the partition with Vista on it (AFTER doing a backup of all you personal files of course) then install Win 7 on the newly formatted partition and you should be good to go..

Just remember to download any drivers you may need PRIOR to the installation just in case win 7 doesn't automatically install them during the installation.. (I'm referring to the Chipset driver and the Ethernet driver mainly).. If there aren't any Windows 7 drivers released for your specific hardware yet then download the most recent Vista one's as they are SUPPOSED to work.. ;)

Good luck and please don't be scared to ask if you run into any more problems.. we're all glad to help!..

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Here is my two cents worth! I tried to do a clean install of Vista x32 over W7 bld 7077 and got about as far as Ikbosh did. I'm thinking it was because of the 32/64 incompatability. Anyhow, I did a clean install of RC1 over bld 7077 and while there is no gaurantee, it did save a lot of my "stuff" (56 Gb of music, files, downloads, video, etc) in the old Windows file.

Here is my two cents worth! I tried to do a clean install of Vista x32 over W7 bld 7077 and got about as far as Ikbosh did. I'm thinking it was because of the 32/64 incompatability. Anyhow, I did a clean install of RC1 over bld 7077 and while there is no gaurantee, it did save a lot of my "stuff" (56 Gb of music, files, downloads, video, etc) in the old Windows file.

Thankyou for your warm welcomes :) Anyways Thats nice to know. I guess I will have to borrow my Friends External Hard drive. Yes I downloaded It from the Site, its the 32 Bit version. And Drivers won't be a Worry, I Dual booted it before I decided I want to Upgrade to it from Vista. I love the new Sleak superbar, and the Effiency. Oh its awesome. Anyways, Yes... Sorry I forgot to post my Specifications. Here they are:

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.1GHz
Memory: 3070MB RAM
Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology 945GCMX-S2
Hard Drive: 500Gigabytes, 7200 RPM I think? I'm not too sure :P I got a 5.9 in Performance Tools.
Display Card: ATI Radeon HD 4770

Yeah I hope that is all you Need. Thankyou for your time :)

Yay, I Did a Clean install. Whent Great, Didn't need to backup my stuff ^_^ anyways. All my stuff is there, Just a worry, I'm unsure if all my Games will Still work. I'll have to give it a shot. But thankyou :) Nuisance copying everything back to my New documents -.-

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Please note that Windows 7RC1 requires a clean install and will not upgrade. It would be recommended to backup your documents, pictures, music, settings, etc., and then peform a clean install on a blank parition.
You will have to reinstall your programs so if you can avoid it in the meantime, I usually recommend setting up a dual boot parition.
For more helpful tips, videos, suggestions, forums and other resources check out:
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Microsoft TechNet / Springboard

Please note that Windows 7RC1 requires a clean install and will not upgrade. It would be recommended to backup your documents, pictures, music, settings, etc., and then peform a clean install on a blank parition.
You will have to reinstall your programs so if you can avoid it in the meantime, I usually recommend setting up a dual boot parition.
For more helpful tips, videos, suggestions, forums and other resources check out:
Windows 7 RC | Support, Deployment, Resources
Microsoft TechNet / Springboard

I agree with you completely that Windows 7 RC should be CLEAN INSTALLED and NOT upgraded.. but to say that it CAN'T be upgraded isn't entirely true.. ;) Many on this forum and I'm sure on others as well have successfully upgraded to the RC and are having no problems.. so it in fact CAN be upgraded.. :) That being said, there are also a large number of people who did upgrade instead of clean install and are having alot of problems.. so yes, it is definitely NOT the recommended way to install..

But like I said, a Clean Install is definitely the way to go when installing ANY OS in my opinion.. ;)

Agreed radenight. It is a great help if posters are careful with their wording. Definite statements like the above can be misleading and confuse members.

I think the problem , getting back to the thread, is in the precise setup and installed software the usr may have in Vista. In particular, extra MS add-ons. In most cases of failure, the registry is corrupted. I don, think space is a premium these days, with the size of hard disks for the past years, so a dual boot in a separate partition is, to me anyway, the sensible way to go. The users software can then be installed at leisure, and examined for Windows 7 possible bugs. The major asset is then, of course, that you personal data/files etc.. remaine intact.

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I have the same problem upgrading from Vista 64 to Win 7 64...I get 64% complete on transferring files and it stalls. I did this 3 times over 3 days and the upgrade advisor says there are no problems. I have two partitions so I did a clean install on the 2nd partition and it installed in less than 20 minutes with NO Problems. I tried to find a log or something that would indicate what the problem was with the upgrade and couldn't find anything. I have a lot of programs installed that would take forever to reinstall so I really would like to figure out why the upgrade is failing. Is there a failed upgrade for this reason log some place?
