And while they were _finally_ splitting partitions, they could have done what many users already have been doing manually for ages: splu user data/profiles and the OS into sperate partitions thus greatly simplifying the process of making backups and reinstalling the OS. They could have created an option to have user account data (sid's etc.) in the boot partition so that all OS es could use the same data, even after being reinstalled. They could have ... added something really _new_. Or at least put NTbackup back to replace that unreliable piece of junk they put in Vista. Try using it to restore one of your .bat scripts and enjoy .... Instead they hired artists to add yet more useless fluff and further obfusticate any attempt by the user to configure the interface to his/her own taste. Even in SP2, Vista _still_ refuses to remember my folder preferences, reverting (or retarding) back to those ridiculous stars within days.
I still have to manually move my personal stuff off the C: partition and put a junction in \Users to redirect, only because Vista backup fails completely if I do that by modifying the profile list instead. It's academic by now because I stopped using that crap ages ago. They should have called it Backup and Pray Center. I'm not even going to waste time to see if that or the .bat thing has been fixed in 7.