start menu

  1. throwaway42

    Windows 10 Windows start menu bar logo

    Hi 😊 I wish someone could help. Suddenly I started seeing my old university's logo in the Windows start menu bar: As you can see in the bar at the top of the start menu, there's the University of Haifa logo. I've studied there in the past, but I'm not sure why it's appearing now in my start...
  2. RUDY03

    Windows 10 Start Menu not opening, Explorer refreshes whenever folders are opened and said folders close immediately. URGENT help needed.

    Genuine Windows 10, came with Asus Zenbook. Since yesterday, I can't save anything, as the "save" browser box doesn't open. As soon as I open any folders, explorer refreshes and said folder is closed instantly. Also, the Start Menu doesn't open. Tried running MalwareBytes once, got a BSOD...
  3. A

    Windows 10 Start menu and access center do not adopt accent color

    I have background as a solid color, windows dark mode, transparency on, a custom accent color and the boxes to show the accent color on start, taskbar, action centre, title bars and windows borders are all checked. Of these, neither the start menu nor action centre adopt the specified color...
  4. DamyNox

    Need Help for Skin Start Menu Classic Shell [Windows 10]

    Hi There ! I would like to have some help with Classic Shell for Skinning the Start Menu ! Here what I need : I would like to hide or disable this popup description that show my real name on the user picture and on the username in the Start Menu ! (Here what I want to hide on this two...
  5. RUDY03

    Windows 10 Windows Search web-based queries not opening in preview mode.

    The title is so due to my lack of better words to describe the problem. Also, I don't know if the term I used ("preview mode") is what it really is called, or not, so please pardon me. As you can see in the above, I am getting a link "Open in Browser", when I press the right arrow, which is...
  6. aabu

    Actual icon is not showing when i search app on the start menu

    Default build in metro apps are ok. they are showing the actual icon when i search but new installing app from microsoft store is not showing their actual icon. what is wrong ? please help:)
  7. Saraghtera

    Windows 10 WIN 10 Microsoft's applications crashing, Start menu and available wifis

    Hello Firstly I'm going to say that I'm familiar with the win 10 start menu problems and I've fixed them before. The fix now just does not work. Also this problem is a multiparter with start menu being just one area affected. Getting down to business: A week ago Microsoft's products started...
  8. C

    Windows 10 Taskbar and Start Menu Broken After Windows Update Today

    After putting off the big update pushed by Microsoft (is it called "Creator's update"?) for a couple days, I finally relented today and did it. It took quite a while, but when it came up, I desperately wished I'd NOT done it. First, my taskbar lost most of the items I'd customized to it. I...
  9. OldGuyGeek

    Windows 10 Hide Installed App List In Start Menu

    For those Windows 10 users who don't like the app list in the Start Menu, Microsoft has been listening. In the latest Insider Release (14942) there is now an option to turn the app list on or off. Then, once you have hid the Installed App list, you can toggle it on and off through the Start...
  10. S

    Windows 10 Start Menu problem

    Hi guys, I recently updated my Windows 10 to the November update( ver 1511,10586),and I found that the "Pin to Start menu" and "Resize" tabs are not working.When I right click on any app,I only found the "More" tab only to be functional. When I went into Settings,I found this(picture attached...
  11. S

    Windows 10 Start Menu problem has returned!!

    The infamous Windows Start Menu problem is now much chronicled. A page from BT has given 4 comprehensive solutions (I cannot post anything with link, as it is my first post here on this forum). Ironical to know that it is not Microsoft but BT which has done this service to MS customers. Now...
  12. Debora

    Windows 10 Start menu, menu bar, full screen & other problems

    Hi everyone since I upgraded to W10 I'm having some problems. -The start menu doesn't work anymore -The search tab neither -Right click on the icons on the menu bar neither -When I'm watching a video and I freeze the pc, I can't use the full screen anymore. I have to restart the pc. I...
  13. Ryker XL

    Windows 10 Start Menu and All Taskbar apps are GONE!!!

    So been working on this all morning. My Start Menu is toast. Causes critical re login error. Re login does nothing... Bing and store apps are gone from taskbar Speaker volume does NOT work Notifications are unresponsive Cortana causes critical error as well Ran Powershell fix as...
  14. G

    Windows 10 Taskbar, internet and OneDrive don't work

    Good day, community! One day I tried Groove to find my music and assigned it to search on :C, which gave me over 7k titles. So when I tried to change where it should search again, nothing happened, after which I decided to restart the pc to see if anything has changed. It has indeed. After the...
  15. Start Menu in Windows 8: Start8

    Start Menu in Windows 8: Start8

    In this review, Mike Fara at shows you some of the features of Stardock's Start8. With this software, you will be able to bring back the "Start Menu" from Windows 7 and prior Windows versions, without any significant performance overhead. This video is not a paid endorsement...