VIDEO Crashed and Broke my Bike


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Crashed and Broke my Bike In this entertaining YouTube video, "Crashed and Broke my Bike," the host shares a rather chaotic cycling adventure, filmed during a challenging time for many in the UK due to coronavirus restrictions. The video begins with a humorous reflection on the cancellation of Christmas celebrations because of the newly implemented tier system—Tier Four meaning stricter lockdowns.

The Cycling Adventure​

The video captures a unique ride with Nick, who is seen riding a fixed-gear gravel bike. As they navigate through the trails, the conversation reveals their skepticism about the necessity of such a bike, highlighting some endearing banter between the two cyclists. The video shifts gears to focus on their off-road experience, which includes comedic moments and some unexpected crashes.

Key Moments​

  • First Crash Experience: The host shares a light-hearted take on his first off-road crash. Instead of panicking, they both laugh it off, emphasizing that crashing on grass is much less painful than on the road. This moment sets the tone for a relaxed and humorous cycling journey.
  • Mechanical Issues: A significant point in the video occurs when the host discusses a problem with their rear brake after the crash. They contemplate whether to attempt a DIY fix or to take it to a shop, appealing to viewers for advice on bike maintenance. This opens up a relatable conversation about the challenges of cycling gear upkeep, especially within the constraints of living in a city like London.
  • Training Perspectives: Toward the end of the video, there’s a shift to training for cycling, with the host sharing insights about future workouts and the struggle that comes with intensive training schedules. It resonates with serious cyclists who understand the balance of hard work and humor in training.

    Closing Thoughts​

    The video serves not only as a glimpse into a cycling outing but also as an engaging commentary on the frustrations and joys of biking amidst external challenges. The blend of humor, relatable bike issues, and personal narratives makes it appealing to both casual bike enthusiasts and seasoned cyclists. This video is a must-watch if you're looking for some light entertainment blended with practical insights into bike maintenance, especially after the festive season's disruptions. What do you think about the challenges of cycling in tough conditions? Have you experienced any interesting crashes or bike issues during your rides? Share your thoughts below!
