VIDEO Dangerous Largest Wood Bandsaws Machines Magic Fastest Cutting - Awesome Smart Wood CNC Machine

Over the last 30 some years I worked for 4 different sawmills. If you saw a real sawmill in action you wouldn't be impressed by the one in the video at all. but then, of course, this one is portable. It's good for the person with a single log they want to make use of. A real sawmill could saw that whole log in about 3 minutes. They saw up hundreds of logs per shift.

The most important feature of a real sawmill is the fact that the operator sits inside a booth protected by safety glass. Bandmills throw stuff at speeds close to the speed of a bullet. That keeps idiots like that guy in the video from getting near the saw while it's cutting. I've seen some of the stuff imbedded in the walls that was thrown by the machines. Not to mention the metal objects people drive into trees that end up inside them. Those of course tear teeth off the saws and send them flying. If I had been there I would have jumped all over that guy and told him to stay away from that machine.
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