
New Member
Apr 1, 2010
I turned my laptop on today and every time I try to stream a video online, whether it be from megavideo, bbc iplayer, youtube etc causes the browser window to crash immediately. I then tried to play a film in windows media player - it wont open and immediately crashes. The same film will play in VLC but with no sound. The volume control seems to be bugged and I can't open it, either from the keyboard or from the desktop toolbar. When I open task manager, it says 'Default IME not responding'. I cant open Itunes, and I can't open the sound tab from the control panel, it freezes immediately. I've done a virus scan and tried the windows troubleshooters, Ive reinstalled windows media player and I'm now completely stuck I cant reinstall windows cuz the disc is at university and I'm not back there for a month and I can't handle my laptop not working for so long, please help!!!!

Thanks, Rachel
Long Shot???
1) Open WMP
2) Went to menu Tools>Options>Network Tab>Streaming Proxy Settings Section
3) Configured any listed streaming protocol (HTTP/RTSP) to "Do not use a proxy server".
My setting when the problem was occurring was that HTTP was set to "Use proxy settings of the Web Browser" This, apparently, was causing the problem.

Applicable O/S: Windows 7 Professional Version 6.1 (Build 7600)

Same problem here... The only way to temporary resolve it is to reboot... then waiting for the next internet browser crash when a media file launched... (vlc not working too)

my spec:

Microsoft Windows 7 Édition Intégrale (clean install)
Version 6.1.7600 Numéro 7600
Modèle Vostro 1520
Type x64
Processeur Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8700 @ 2.53GHz, 2534 MHz, 2 cœur(s), 2 processeur(s) logique(s)
Mémoire physique (RAM) installée 8,00 Go

No dual boot
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Does this happen after the machine has gone to sleep? This "Default IME not responding" seems to be a bit of an known issue, some say updating drivers has helped, for your networking chip and sounds as well.
Does this happen after the machine has gone to sleep? This "Default IME not responding" seems to be a bit of an known issue, some say updating drivers has helped, for your networking chip and sounds as well.

it happen anytime, not specially after a sleep mode...
tried to update my drivers but seems that nothing changed...

the bug is always happening due to a crash from my web browser... tried to uninstall then reinstall but nothing changed too
Fire Fox I assume? If so what version?

tested on Firefox 3.6.3
tested on IE 8.0.7600.16385

but it's like what is said on the first post, WMV -VLC - WINAMP - or any other media player are affected by the same bug once it happening.

And the volume control can't be opened, either from the keyboard or from the desktop toolbar.

ps: sorry for my awful english
Long Shot???
1) Open WMP
2) Went to menu Tools>Options>Network Tab>Streaming Proxy Settings Section
3) Configured any listed streaming protocol (HTTP/RTSP) to "Do not use a proxy server".
My setting when the problem was occurring was that HTTP was set to "Use proxy settings of the Web Browser" This, apparently, was causing the problem.

Applicable O/S: Windows 7 Professional Version 6.1 (Build 7600)