DefragTools #149 - Media eXperience Analyzer part 1 | Defrag Tools


Extraordinary Robot
Jun 27, 2006
Chicago, IL
In this episode of Defrag Tools, Chad Beeder is joined by Jorge Novillo and Jose Baldner to introduce us to Media eXperience Analyzer (MXA).

Media eXperience Analyzer (formerly WindowsXRay) is a tool used to visualize ETW traces, with a particular emphasis on media scenarios such as audio/video capture and playback.

[00:00] Introductions
[01:20] What is MXA? What's it good for?
[05:34] Installing and setting up MXA (Download link). You also should install Windows Performance Toolkit which is included in the Assessment and Deployment Kit.
[07:28] Demo #1: Collecting a trace to analyze in MXA - full of audio and video playback glitches
[11:02] Before loading a trace, make sure the symbol path is correct (use the included setsymbolpath.cmd if necessary)
[11:37] Loading the trace into MXA and getting a feel for the UI and various datasets available to view
[14:46] Let's start with the Audio Glitches and Video Glitches datasets to identify where the problem is
[16:15] The CPU Scheduler dataset is very useful; shows which threads were running, and when
[20:11] Help->Shortcuts tells you all the keyboard/navigation shortcuts
[20:40] Context Switch Call Stack dataviewer shows you when a thread started running, what it was waiting on
[21:58] Callstacks dataset compiles all the events that had call stacks captured with them
[23:44] Stack Tree data viewer shows the summary breakdown of all call stacks over a selected time
[24:45] Using the Video Glitches and DMA Operations datasets to see what the GPU was doing during the glitches
[26:37] Demo #2: An audio glitch that occurred when the screen got powered on
[27:14] Start with the Audio Glitches and CPU Scheduler datasets
[30:52] Use the Callstacks dataset to identify the culprit: display driver was spending too long executing a DPC
[34:33] Email us at [email protected]


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