Windows 7 Director Player Error

Director Player Error "Object expected"

Im running win 7 and i got this error from a software por the TOEFL TEST. I installed the cdrom and execute the programa and got that.

Is there anyway to fix it? Ive tried all the compatibility optiones and no work. Sometimes the error changed to "macromedio projector stopped working"

Thx a lot for your help.
Could you give us a little more information, what is the program on your CD-Rom supposed to do ? Is it supposed to install or is it a set of media files to play ?

Did you try to run 'setup.exe' in XP or Vista compatible mode ?
Ive just installed using win xp compatibility. Still no work. Its a cd rom with practice tests for TOEFL. It has .cxt files and .dxr files.
i did that (running setup and the executable with compatibility mode)

the cd is ok

I dont have quicktime installed (i use klite codec pack). Could that be?