Windows 7 Display not working unless in dual display mode


New Member
May 31, 2009
Here is a weird one. I put window 7 RC1 on a machine. The display didnt work. I saw a brief message about being out of range. I pluged another monitor in to check. I was able to finish the installation. I tried to set the frequency and switch back the monitors. nothing happened. I decided to choose to display both displays on the both screens. The monitor worked this way but will not work alone.

Welcome to the windows7forums,

In order to troubleshoot your problem we need to know more detailed specs of your system hardware.

1. Go to Start > Run, and type msinfo32. then expand the Components tree and choose a device
2. Go to Control Panel > Device Manager and look for any entry that has a yellow flag beside it.
3. Download System Information Viewer
4. Download PC WIZARD 2008
5 Please fill out your computers specs in the User Control Panel here on the site as well. It will then appear next to your name. look at my posting and you'll see the drop-down arrow.

The exact make and model of you video card would be of great help, along with the motherboard information.

Are you suing the 64-bit or 32-bit edition.?

Did you download the official RC frm MS?