Windows 7 DVD drive not wanting to open.


New Member
Jan 30, 2009

Just installed Windows 7, and it's been very good so far.
However, I can't open my DVD-drive.

Device manager recognizes it as an "Optiarc DVD RW AD-7200S ATA Drive" and it has the newest drivers...

However, nothing happends when I click my open drive button.

Help me please :)

try going to my computer and right clicking your dvd drive. then select eject. if it opens something is up with your button.

most drives have a little hole on the front of them that you can stick a paper clip in and make it open manually. Have you tried that with windows 7 yet? Try opening it and putting a disc in it and seeing if it can read the disc or not. IF it can then there may be an issue with the opening mechanism. Let us know what you find out!:razz:

That little hole should not be used on a powered up drive.
So DON"T do it while you are booted up.

Sorry i forgot to add that in there but moosetek is correct you should not use this on a poweruped drive. I am just providing alternatives.

So, did the eject thing, and it opens up... And it also reads the cd fine...

Must be the button broken then...Should've never bought thing computer, dvd button holding 3 months, wtf?

Thanks for the help all.

Can't blame a whole computer or the brand for one piece of hardware going bad. Things happen.

You are just as likely to buy a single component from Fry's or CompUSA that breaks the first time you power it up.

If it is just 3 months old, perhaps you should simply look into a warranty replacement?

Can't blame a whole computer or the brand for one piece of hardware going bad. Things happen.

You are just as likely to buy a single component from Fry's or CompUSA that breaks the first time you power it up.

If it is just 3 months old, perhaps you should simply look into a warranty replacement?

I am going to :)

And, just angry because there has been so many other problems with the computer.

I will probably just have to install vista again, so they can't blame windows 7 for the faulth... gah

Before you reinstall Vista, do a simple test.

Can you open the drive using the button early in the boot process?

Shut down, then power on. As the computer is going through POST, press the button.
If it opens, it is a problem with something in W7. If it doesn't, it is the drive.

As to the many problems you have had with your computer, well, the cheaper the computer the more problems you can expect from it. Did you buy it for the price, or for the quality? Because the cheaper the computer is, the cheaper and less reliable the components have to be.

Well, it's a 800 or so euro comp... and I went for the computer with the best components for the price.

Just found out I only have a 250 watt(or at least it says output should not exceed 250watt) power supply though, with a Q6600 quad processor and a 9600 GS graphic card... Should that have anything to sasy?

250W is pretty marginal, especially if you have added anything. But I doubt the PS has anything to do with this problem.

And if you are only now realizing that you have a 250W PS, how much research did you actually do into the other components of the computer?
It is not just looking at what processor speed and the hard drive size, etc.
Looking at simple specs is one thing. Looking into the manufacturer of each component and how each component rates in reliability is another.

If you are having that many hardware problems with this computer, you simply did not do enough research into either the parts that made up the computer or the builder of the the computer.


Just a bit hard to check when it's a prebuilt, and it's not written anywhere?

Oh, and from the test you said I should do above, the drive didn't open. So I think it's a hardware problem. Thanks for the help all.

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My pleasure.

It may be pre-built, but that does not stop you from opening the case and inspecting what is inside.
I did that when I bought my HP.

Never be in a hurry to buy a computer. Open it up and see what's in there. If you need to, write down the component details and do some research before you commit to a purchase. Check out the warranty to be sure you can replace any defective components within a reasonable amount of time. And buy from a store that has a good reputation.

Like I said, if it is only 3 months old, you should be able to get it replaced at no cost. Either from the store or from the manufacturer.
