East Coast DDoS Attack

From what I know is Dyn is getting hit by about 6Gbps of DNS traffic from undisclosed threat actors that have tried extorting bit coins from Dyn. At present they have not paid up and have been working to mitigate the DDOS. They have been doing a pretty good job of it so far.
Man that's a pretty big botnet. I've been trying to catch up this morning about it. Thanks for replying @Neemobeer I was hoping more people would posts their comments as I'm more interesting in hearing from the tech geek community on this one than talking head, know what I mean.
There isn't a lot on info disclosed on this. DNS amplification attacks don't require botnets to execute you can do this from a small set of computers.
I've found some good information on Krebs, https://krebsonsecurity.com/. Talking about how the IoT devices where used, Mirai, how now even if you change the default log/pass on those devices it might not help because of the hardware issue. Krebs is the man.

I really haven't jumped on board the IoT train yet. Alexia, IP security cameras, "smart" outlets and the like. But I do have a router, DVR, and a smart TV. So the whole IoT aspect of it is very interesting to me.