Example Channel9 Blog Reader App


Extraordinary Robot
Today's project is cool fan created Windows 8.1 app for an area near and dear to my heart...

Channel9 Blog Reader App


The app tutorial for Windows Blog Reader at msdn.com is out of date, the feed links don't work, and there are some other unknown problems. To Address that problem, I took the same app for Win 8, removed the broken windows blogs links & added a few channel9 blog link, and also changed a couple of lines of code to make it a Win 8.1 app.

Building the Sample

A familiarity with XAML & C# will be fine.

And it will be better if u know how to migrate a win 8 to win 8.1.


The broken feed links from "windowsteamblogs.com" has been removed.

The old broken feed links from "blogs.windows.com" has also been removed.

The recent broken feed links from "blogs.windows.com" has also been removed.

The feed links from "channel9.msdn.com" has been added.

The XAML code for Win 8.1 has been updated from Win 8 for ItemsPage.

The XAML code for Win 8.1 has been updated from Win 8 for SplitPage.

The XAML code for Win 8.1 has been updated from Win 8 for DetailPage.

The C# code for Win 8.1 has been updated from Win 8 for ItemsPage.xaml.cs.

The C# code for Win 8.1 has been updated from Win 8 for SplitPage.xaml.cs.

The C# code for Win 8.1 has been updated from Win 8 for DetailPage.cs.


Okay, so it's not currently all that pretty, but the source is available, which compiled and ran for me the first time, so go crazy and make it pretty! :)

BTW, there's a Channel 9 RSS feed tip that will help you add paging, if you want... Channel 9 implements paging via a page=# parameter. Just add ?page=2 to the RSS URL and you're good to go (I do this all the time in the different C9 app's I've created :)

Second kind of off the wall tip, did you know that you can open URL's in Notepad? Let's say you want to see the raw RSS feed for Coding4Fun blog?

File -> Open and in file name put the URL http://channel9.msdn.com/coding4fun/blog/RSS?page=2

This is something I also use often when playing with feeds...

Finally, if you DO want to make the app pretty, say by using the different post graphics, the media element in the feed will be your friend...

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