VIDEO FCI Dog dance World Championship 2016 – Freestyle final - Lusy Imbergerova and Deril (Italy)


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

FCI Dog Dance World Championship 2016 – Freestyle Final - Lusy Imbergerova and Deril (Italy)
The FCI Dog Dance World Championship 2016 showcased incredible talent and creativity, particularly in the Freestyle category. Held in Moscow from June 23-26, this championship highlighted various teams, yet Lusy Imbergerova and her dog Deril from Italy stole the spotlight with their stunning performance, earning them a commendable second place podium.
This event not only serves as a testament to the bond between dogs and their handlers but also emphasizes the artistry involved in canine choreography. Participants demonstrated their dogs' agility, responsiveness, and training through detailed routines set to music, capturing the essence of their partnership in a competitive environment.
While the video lacks subtitles, its visual narrative allows viewers to appreciate the skill and dedication that goes into dog dancing. The joy of both the participants and their furry companions is palpable, making it an engaging watch for both dog lovers and dance enthusiasts alike.
As we look back on this event in 2024, dog dancing continues to gain popularity, with more teams emerging globally to participate in such competitions. The rise of this sport showcases an evolving relationship between humans and their pets, emphasizing training techniques that blend music, movement, and animal behavior.
What do you think about the evolution of dog dancing? Have you tried it with your dog, or do you follow any particular teams? Share your thoughts or experiences below!
