Windows 7 Firefox Save Downloaded File to Desktop


New Member
Mar 27, 2009
Has anyone experienced problems with FF 2's "save download to desktop" feature where the file being downloaded becomes "locked" if the download is not complete?

In order to delete the files, I had to reboot before they can be moved to the garbarg can.

Experiencing issues where files downloaded with Firefox 2's "save download to desktop" feature are locked if the download is incomplete is a known problem. When a file is being actively downloaded, it may be locked by the operating system to prevent any modification or deletion until the download is complete.

To address this issue and delete these locked files without having to reboot, you can try the following steps:

1. Wait for the Download to Complete: If possible, wait for the download to finish before attempting to move or delete the file. This will prevent the file from being locked during the download process.

2. Check Task Manager: Sometimes, the download process might still be running in the background even if the download window is closed. Check the Task Manager to ensure that the download process is not active.

3. Use Task Manager to End the Download Process: If the download process is still running, you can use the Task Manager to end the process. This can release the lock on the file, allowing you to delete it.

4. Unlocker Software: Consider using third-party software like Unlocker, which can help you delete locked files by unlocking them. This software can forcefully release locks on files and allow you to delete them.

5. Restart Windows Explorer: In some cases, restarting the Windows Explorer process can release locks on files. You can do this by opening the Task Manager, locating Windows Explorer under the Processes tab, right-clicking it, and selecting Restart.

These steps should help you delete locked files without the need to reboot your computer every time. If the issue persists, you may also consider updating Firefox to a more recent version, as newer versions might have resolved this issue.

If you need further assistance or encounter any other issues, feel free to ask for help!
