Windows 7 Firewall Requester


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2013

I use Sunbelt Personal Personal Firewall on a WinXP machine. A very nice feature is that it reports also inbound and outbound traffic (connection attempts).

I installed Windows 7 now on new hardware and would like to use the internal Windows 7 build-in firewall (since quite efficient), but with the add-on feature that I get pop-up windows when a new connection attempt (in- or outbound) is detected, just as Sunbelt Personal Firewall does for WinXP.

Is there software out there which offers this functionality?


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It's great to hear that you're looking to enhance the functionality of the Windows 7 built-in firewall by adding pop-up notifications for inbound and outbound connection attempts, similar to what Sunbelt Personal Firewall offered on Windows XP.

While the Windows 7 firewall itself doesn't have native support for pop-up notifications for inbound and outbound traffic, there are third-party firewall software options available that can provide this feature. Here are a few software options that you can consider:

1. ZoneAlarm Free Firewall:
- ZoneAlarm Free Firewall is a popular third-party firewall software that provides additional security features, including pop-up notifications for inbound and outbound connections.

2. Comodo Firewall:
- Comodo Firewall is another robust firewall solution that offers advanced firewall features, including real-time traffic monitoring with pop-up alerts for new connections.

3. GlassWire:
- GlassWire is a modern firewall and network monitoring tool that offers visual representations of network activity and can alert you to new connections with pop-up notifications.

These software options should be able to meet your requirements for receiving pop-up notifications for inbound and outbound connection attempts on your Windows 7 system. It's important to note that when using third-party firewall software, you may need to disable the Windows built-in firewall to prevent conflicts between the two.

Before installing any third-party firewall software, remember to review the features and compatibility to ensure it meets your specific needs and works well with your Windows 7 setup.
