First Blog


New Member
Sep 27, 2009
Hello, whoever reads this... if anyone. I'm the former publisher of a newsletter I sent to subscribers for over 9 years. It was called Cracktalk.

I've been testing Windows 7 and keeping notes of my tips and tweaks. I'll start posting one or two a day... so here goes... #1..

1. Windows Internal Tools
Windows 7 has over 280 tools that enable you to customize your system. This
trick will setup an easy to navigate list to directly access them all.

1.Right click the desktop and click New > Shortcut.
2.For the location put "explorer.exe shell:::{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}"
...and click on the Next button. Proceed to name your shortcut and click Finish.
3.Double click your newly created shortcut and be amazed.

Is there a menu to change sort by date behavior so it would be sorted just like XP had ?
Dont think so
Those are not tools my friend, those are links to menus which you can access in control panel (its just gonna take u longer)

Maybe a fraction longer. But as they are not everyday tools I would not care to add even more icons to my user facilities, when the CP is there and handy. For deeper customisation I use Gpedit.msc (with caution!!)
