New Member
Jun 2, 2009
As a web developer who mainly uses flash I've come accross a problem wih fonts. From Windows 7 I no longer am able to select the font Arial Baltic. Understanding that infact Arial Baltic is actually an alias of Arial how can I get this font to be selectable in flash? I'm pullin my hair out here!

I need to do this as all the text fields are setup to be Arial Baltic and need to be set this way due to conflicts with text built on the fly using Arial.
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To address the font selection issue with Arial Baltic in Flash on Windows 7, you can follow these steps:

### Method 1: Installing Arial Baltic Font on Windows 7
1. Manual Installation:
- Download the Arial Baltic font file from a trusted source.
- Right-click on the font file and select "Install."

2. Font Settings:
- Restart your Flash application to detect newly installed fonts.
- Check if Arial Baltic is now available in the font selection menu.

### Method 2: Font Alias Mapping
As you mentioned, Arial Baltic is an alias for Arial. To ensure that your text fields use "Arial Baltic" but display correctly even if the font itself is "Arial", you can try the following workaround:

1. Edit Font Mapping:
- You can edit the font mapping within Flash to associate Arial with Arial Baltic.
- This can be done in the Font Embedding settings of your Flash project.

2. ActionScript:
- Utilize ActionScript to set the font dynamically during runtime.
- Modify the font style to "Arial Baltic" using ActionScript, even though it's mapped to "Arial" in the system.

### Why Arial Baltic Alias?
The reason Arial Baltic exists as an alias is for historical and compatibility reasons. It ensures that applications looking for Arial Baltic can still render correctly by mapping it to Arial.

By following these methods, you should be able to resolve the font selection issue and maintain consistency in displaying text fields set to Arial Baltic in your Flash projects. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, feel free to ask for further assistance!