Windows 7 Free 1 year TechNet subscription!

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US and UK only!

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You rock! I have always wanted my own subscription but it didn't really make sense to shell out the money when I can get most everything through work. It's more of a pain that way though, this will be much easier.

Glad I could help. Seeing as how this is all over the internet now...MS is losing a ton of money...makes no sense to me why they would do this.

I'm very happy they did though. :D

Glad I could help. Seeing as how this is all over the internet now...MS is losing a ton of money...makes no sense to me why they would do this.

I'm very happy they did though. :D

I will say I might be more inclined to renew my subscription if I already have it (and if it's cheaper to renew). I don't know if they really make a ton of money on technet subscriptions anyway. MSDN's are what are expensive!

I will say I might be more inclined to renew my subscription if I already have it (and if it's cheaper to renew). I don't know if they really make a ton of money on technet subscriptions anyway. MSDN's are what are expensive!

Yeah, good point...and most of the people that are going to sign up for this are enthusiasts who will mostly have whats on the Technet servers anyway, so not much of a loss of retail sales there either.

I'm just really hoping that they post W7 RTM in October. :D

It would depend on your interests.
I have had a subscription for years (renewed)
This was for specific purposes. Yes, it does give you access to all of Microsofts software, with licences. Truth is, the only things I have found worthwhile are the Office suites, as they are released and, on one occasion only, a server. The OS's are available, but if yoyu are progessive, only the latest is, of course, useful. I obtain Beta releases and new OS's though another Microsoft path.
On reflection, whilst I did not pay for my initial subscription (it was a gift), I think I have probably paid more for the material I have a use for, than if I had purchased through the normal retail channels!
The only real financial benefit would be to large onward sellers, who wish to give their staff pre - training, ot to pirates, who could sell on the software licences. The latter is a very dangerous buisness. The best case, when the licence is observed as being used by other than the subscription holder, is immediate loss of the subscription, without recompense. This has happened on many occasions. Worst case is prosecution. This has, because of the immensity of the procedure, only happened on a few instances, and mainly concerning some small business organisations.

I think this may only be available to existing subscribers or, possible, already registered live members. This is the original Email I received from MS Technet.

Microsoft Corporation has developed an exclusive pilot program for TechNet Plus, its web-based professional support service offering. This new program is not yet available to the public. We wanted to extend an opportunity to you to try out this service and tell us what you think before it is launched. If you participate in and complete the program, Microsoft will offer you a free one-year subscription to the TechNet Plus site (a 237 British Pounds value). Also included is free Microsoft support call (a 171 British Pounds value). We will also be holding regular raffles to win one of eleven Zune 4’s, one of six xBox Arcades, or one of five Flip Video Mino HD Camcorders throughout the course of the pilot program.
This special pilot program will involve exploring a private version of the TechNet Plus website and providing us with feedback and commentary on your experience. Your feedback will be registered on a special web portal that will be set up for you. The total length of the program is 2 ½ months and will consist of a total of three 10-15 minute surveys and several smaller tasks.
Here is the link to finish the screening process and setup the pilot registration. Once you click the link, this next step will take about 15 minutes.
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After finishing the screening process, the program will inform you of the final steps to activate your TechNet Plus subscription, and log-in to the ITAC site to provide your feedback. *Please reply to this email when you have completed these remaining steps and are officially activated as a participant in this study, so we can make sure our records are updated.

This is my opinion and not authorative. You will, if you work through the qualifications, eventually end up at a survey group. There is no direct promise of a free subscription. You be asked to provide personal data and opinions during this process.

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Well, I can see one reason for them doing this...

Edit: Nevermind, just read Dave's edit.

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Thanks for posting the details! This is fantastic!

Well, I can see one reason for them doing this...

Edit: Nevermind, just read Dave's edit.

Sorry Blackrose. I believe we are both thinking the same thing!!
But I can see from another site that some are geting the subscrition, but it is predated 1.1.1990 ???. Odd thing is they seem only excited about obtaining genuine copies of Vista. Can someone tell me if this is all that is available?.

Tricky as the licence expires with the subscription date.

It sounds really odd. I cannot try it, as I already have a subscrition (it might terminate me!!!) but I am really interested in this thread to see how it works out.

Wow ty Blackrose what a great gift :D Best up too date for sure :) Link Removed due to 404 Error

Just signed up with technet . Seems like a dream almost surreal :rolleyes:

Dave, everything is available that would normally be available through Technet as far as I can tell. I have keys for Server 2008, Vista, Office 2003/2007, Exchange 2007, SQL 2005/2008, Office Communicator 2007, etc etc and so on. I've been on my companies Technet subscription and I can't see any difference.

And I thought that the licenses were still good even after the subscription expired? I didn't know they timebomb'd with the subscription expiry. That is much more likely to get me to renew. :D

Hi all
Downloaded Office Enterprise, Project 2007, Server R2 2008, Visio 2007, Vista Ultimate (will use for upgrade to W7 on another machine) and some more stuff.

You need to try a few times to get keys but it all seems to work.
Should reduce the pressure on the torrents a bit now.

Hope the subscription still works when W7 is finally released.


Thankyou Microsoft!!!!
I renewed mine a few months ago,bringing the total cost over some years to quite a few hundred dollars/pounds.
Now half the world is getting it for free, and paid up subscribers are not even entitled. Almost makes me want to load Linux -lol.

didnt work...oh well

What happened?

This might be part of your problem Kevin:


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When I fill in my details, press Continue, and then on the next page press "Place Order", it loads for about two minutes and then says the page cannot be displayed :(

Same thing from US and Canada links.

When I fill in my details, press Continue, and then on the next page press "Place Order", it loads for about two minutes and then says the page cannot be displayed :(

Same thing from US and Canada links.

If you are using IE, try FF instead...there have been lots of reports that IE won't load the pages, but FF will.

Damn. Now I'm stuck. I only did it through IE because Chrome/Firefox/Minefield don't show the fill in details page properly (a huge sidebar covering half the fields) then the tax exemption form is laid over the Continue button, which I'm not able to press...

Damn. Now I'm stuck. I only did it through IE because Chrome/Firefox/Minefield don't show the fill in details page properly (a huge sidebar covering half the fields) then the tax exemption form is laid over the Continue button, which I'm not able to press...

Have you tried using the IETab extension for FF to load it?

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