Windows 7 From WIndows Pre-Beta 6801 to Beta release Upgrade.


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
I really dont knw,..

but could someone throw light whether the OS which i run is windows 7 build 6801.. could be upgraded directly to windows 7 the beta release...

Yes you may, but I got error code 80070241 but could solve the problem like this:
From within 6801
Make a new folder like C:\W7, or something you like.

Open command line window in your dvd rom drive.
In the command line, for copy all files, launch first:
xcopy /E /T *.* c:\W7
and after:
xcopy /E /H *.* c:\W7

Open a second command line window in folder C:\W7

for last launch the command:
ATTRIB -R C:W7\*.* /S

Now, close command line panels... and run setup.exe form c:\W7\sources

That's it :razz:

more clarification..

i am not sure clear.. command line means.. in Dos.. and do i need to download beta release and make this changes..

You do need a copy of Windows 7 beta release.
And you only use the command line utility in Windows... (cmd.exe)
This way I described copy all files i a correct way to your harddrive, and you do the upgrade from there.

But this is not a way to do the installation, if I can recommend something... It takes a very long time to upgrade the system from 6801 to beta and not every program works. I think it will be better i you make a backup of all the files you need with Windows 7 backup system and then do a fresh install of the system.

It took me 25 minutes do do a full system install from the files on the harddrive, and 3,5 hour to do the upgrade and still needed to reinstall most of the software.
So, do a fresh install and then you have the backuped files... p.o.c :razz:

Hope you can understand what I meen because english is not my native language.

I really dont knw,..

but could someone throw light whether the OS which i run is windows 7 build 6801.. could be upgraded directly to windows 7 the beta release...

Is there any particular reason why you would want to upgrade rather then do a clean install? Clean install is a much better idea in general but especially when going from a pre-beta to a beta release.. ;) Not to mention clean installs of Windows 7 take about 20 mins on a fairly modern system.. upgrades take about 30-40 mins...

The upgrade worked on one of my computers without the need for the command prompt commands provided. I did it just to see what would happen and it worked perfectly.

ok.. dudes..
then m going for.. a clean install...
