VIDEO Gorilla Walks Like A Man


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

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Gorilla Walks Like A Man
In a captivating video titled "Gorilla Walks Like A Man," filmed by Nathan & Stacey at the Monkey Jungle in Miami, Florida, viewers get a delightful glimpse of a silverback gorilla showcasing his impressive ability to walk upright. This humorous display is not just a trick; it serves to entertain the visitors and adds a lighthearted charm to our understanding of animal behavior.
### Video Overview
The footage presents the gorilla ambling around on two legs, simulating human-like walking. Featuring amusing commentary, the video encourages laughter and amazement as the spectators cheer on the majestic creature. It's a wonderful example of how animals can mimic behaviors that humans generally associate with charm and intelligence.
This video was notably highlighted by CNN, particularly on Anderson Cooper's show, showcasing its viral appeal and the curiosity it sparked about both gorillas and their bipedal capabilities.
#### Key Highlights:
- **Unique Behavior:** The gorilla's upright walking mimics human behavior, which raises questions about animal intelligence and bipedalism in evolution.
- **Entertainment:** The cheering and clapping from onlookers accentuate the communal joy that such performances can inspire.
- **Educational Content:** The video indirectly educates viewers on gorilla habits and their environment, contributing to broader discussions on conservation and animal welfare.
The video has garnered attention for its lighthearted perspective on serious topics such as endangered species and their behavior in captivity, reminding us to appreciate the wonders of nature.
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