Windows 7 Hard Drive Performance

Just wondering what other machines are like for hard drive performance. I have two machines, one running a Seagate 320 GB 7200 RPM drive, the other with a Seagate 500, 7200 RPM drive. The performance index shows them as 2.9 and 3.0, respectively. In Vista, they were both 5.7 and 5.9, respectively.

I'm wondering if this is related to chipset driver optimization...something else...any thoughts?

I got an overall of 5.5 because of my memory.

Processor 7.4 I 7 920
Memory 5.5 Corsair DDR3 1333 3gb
Graphics 7.9 Sapphire 512mb Toxic 4870
Gaming Graphics 6.0 Sapphire 512mb Toxic 4870
Primary Hard disk 5.9 Samsung 1TB F1 Spinpoint

Everything works well for me and I am not overclocking anything...yet.. When Windows 7 comes out I will probably upgrade to 6gb of RAM but since I am still using XP Pro as my main operating system I stuck with 3gb for now.

My base score is 6.2m which is dertermined by the lowest sub score for the Primary Hard Drive.

If anyone has a higher score than 6.2 for the hard drive please let me know how you do it
I have two 10,000 rpm Velocoraptors in a raid 0 array
