Windows 7 home network password


New Member
Jan 30, 2009
can't find password for home networkWhen I try to join my win 7 machine, it says must have password. Where is it located,

you will have been given a password on the first install of the OS ;)

to find what it was goto control panel click "network and sharing centre" then click the "choose homegroup and sharing options" , at the bottom under "other homegroup actions" click the link "view or print the homegroup password"

let me know how it goes :cool:

Homegroup Lonin

When I try map a drive on my other computer, also using Win 7 but 32 bit, I am asked to login, asking for a user name and password. I have my password, but where is the user name?

I see my other computer, but am stopped with the login


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I have installed a Win7 RC 64 bit and i have the same problem. I can see other computers in my network, but the win 7 rc ask for a login and network password. I try to use my account login and the network password from "Control panel->change homegroup settings->View and print jour homegroups password " but i just dont work.

Now it works

I ended up reinstalling Win 7 on my 32 bit platform. After the reinstallation, it worked normally. I was able to network the computers normally on the first try.


But how do you go to the "network and sharing centre" if you can't log in?

Ooops! I now realise that I am talking about the windows password and you are discussing a network password! My problem is that, since adding a user I can't log into Windows without a password when I have never used one before!

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On the computer you are wanting to connect to or access files from follow the instructions from forum user "ickymay"

you will have been given a password on the first install of the OS

to find what it was goto control panel click "network and sharing centre" then click the "choose homegroup and sharing options" , at the bottom under "other homegroup actions" click the link "view or print the homegroup password"

Once you have acquired the password you must follow these steps:

Start> Control Panel> Network and Sharing Center

Once this page is open click: Choose homegroup and sharing options


The wizard will direct you on how to join that homegroup.

Windows 7 is still quite backwards in many ways... You would have thought that the option to join the homegroup would have shown when you tried to access it using windows explorer at the point of entry... But no.. not Microsoft. Yet again another minor blunder in the erroneous alphabet soup that is Microsoft Windows OS.

Good Luck! :)

Thanks - I found the password. The next part of the question is - where do I get the username. I'm sure I'm missing something very simple here. :confused:

I have exactly the same problem as above. I understand that there is a 'homegroup' that can only be used with other computers that run Windows 7 (64 bit) and separately there is the 'Network' method that worked well with XP. I too have been asked for a username and password to log onto a Network that I don't recall setting up with either a username or password. The 'homegroup' password does not seem to work. Any help would be gratefully received.

Hello and welcome,

I have exactly the same problem as above. I understand that there is a 'homegroup' that can only be used with other computers that run Windows 7 (64 bit) and separately there is the 'Network' method that worked well with XP. I too have been asked for a username and password to log onto a Network that I don't recall setting up with either a username or password. The 'homegroup' password does not seem to work. Any help would be gratefully received.

Microsoft offers excellent help online -- why not searching it?

---> Where can I find my homegroup password?

If you lost windows 7 login password and even forgot the account username, you do not worry about it any more.
You can get so much windows 7 password recovery software on the internet. Most of those software will help to remove the forgot windows password, which means you will be able to login without reguired a password.
