Windows 7 How can I define which of the available JAVA Versions IE11 should use?

Rainer Bielefeld

Honorable Member
Sep 22, 2014

for particular technical visualization needs (IniNet's Link Removed) a commonly used software is "Browser + Java". Mozilla stopped support of NPAPI plugins. The JAVA Plugin is such a NPAPI plugin, and so some users (my customers) think about using the Internet Explorer for their needs, because it's already installed on their WINDOWS PC.

But with JAVA 10, also ORACLE Link Removed. Will it still be possible to use IE11 for my customers' needs then? In LibreOffice there is a preference which of the installed JAVA versions should be used by LibO. Is there something similar for IE11?

Best Regards

Rainer Bielefeld

I'm pretty sure Internet Explorer has also stopping supporting them.

But I know that my IE11 (Version 11.0.9600.18638 Update 11.0.41 (KB4014661)) and the IE11s of all my customers still work fine for JAVA applets. That can be tested here <Testseiten für Java-Applets> (for example, and of course after having added the the URL to the Java Safety Exceptions List).



Ok looks like it does. All java applets require NPAPI, so IE does still work for now but IE will eventually be removed so it may be a good idea to research alternatives.
