Windows 7 How long will it take for Windows 7 delivered?


New Member
Aug 31, 2009
I bought my computer in beginning of September... which I can order free Windows 7 upgrade from the company of my computer.

The company is Gateway and before when i was trying to order Windows 7, a lot problems happened and i lost the faith to Gateway. Luckily they finally gave me order number. So since Windows 7 is out now... I'm anxious if Windows 7 will really come. So if anyone ordered Windows 7 as i did then did you got it or did they gave any information of when it will be delivered to you since i didn't get any information yet. Thanks.
As you said, I asked Gateway 3 days ago and i didn't get any answers from them yet. Of course maybe it takes time for them to answer back but as i said, I don't really trust the Gateway after all problems happened when i tried to order.
Alright i'll just wait just for couple days for their answer. I hope they are not making any mistakes in this one...
You must redeem coupon before some date in January 2010

I forget the exact date, but it was sometime in January that the buy-now-and-upgrade-later offer expires. You have several weeks, but you don't want to procrastinate too long.