How to configure DVD/BluRay player to PC.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2021
I just purchased a new PC with Win 10 and only after taking it out of the box did I discover there is no DVD player in this unit. I kept my old unit from the previous PC (Win 8.1) and I would like to know if there is a way to rig it so I can use it as an external device?
I know, most everything today is stored on external drives but I still have some software on CD's & movies I like to play on my PC and this is why I'm asking.

Any thoughts will be appreciated.

Thank you.

For that purpose I bought a cheap portable USB based player, with two USB cables, one for power and one for data. Will that help?
For that purpose I bought a cheap portable USB based player, with two USB cables, one for power and one for data. Will that help?

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I did look at a few USB based units but the price was a little higher than I wanted to pay. My original one is BluRay and I was hoping to keep it and just McGyver it. To purchase a USB unit will set me back over $100.00. This is why I thought perhaps there was a way around it. If worse comes to worse than I will just make the purchase.


My thought is, buy it only if you really need it. I have DVD R/W in storage because I replaced it wit a Blu-ray player. both were a waste of money. Weigh your alternatives.
