Windows 7 How to make movies by Movie Maker that can play?


Video taken by smart phone and edited into a 2-minute movie by Windows Movie Maker. Both video and audio play well when it is PREVIEWED before saving the movie. But it plays ONLY THE AUDIO without any picture but a black screen if the edited movie is saved.

The PC on which the movie is edited:
A desktop with Windows 7 Pro. 64b.

Do not know the problem nor how to solve the problem.

How to make the movie play both video and audio ?

What file format is the movie being saved in?

Thank you!

Sorry, we did not choose any specific format. We thought that Windows would automatically arrange the proper format.

Please inform us the type of mart we should select when save the movie.

Thanks and appreciate your help.
Most smart Phones use a different file format as it's its either android, Apple OS and the few/rare windows phone with windows 8/8.1 phone OS. So with that, we don't know what smart phone you have or what OS that phone uses and what file format it was save in.

It sounds like you're missing a codec for MS movie maker for you particular phone. I would suggest saving the file from you phone to desktop. Once saved then change the file format by right clicking it and chosing properties and change the file to mp3/mp4. Then use MS Movie maker to edit the file/preview/save and see how that works.
Before you edit the snips with MM, convert them all to .mp4 - e.g. with Freemake. The default output filetype of MM is also .mp4.