How to Use Windows Get Help App for Troubleshooting Issues

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If you've ever found yourself tearing your hair out because your PC won’t cooperate – maybe the Wi-Fi is refusing to connect, the sound just vanished, or updates are mysteriously failing – fear not! Microsoft’s Get Help app has got your back with its handy troubleshooters designed to resolve these pesky issues without the need to contact support. In this article, we’ll explore how to harness these tools to diagnose and fix common problems you might encounter on Windows 10 or 11.

What is the Get Help App?​

The Get Help app is a Microsoft-integrated solution available to users of Windows 10 and Windows 11 that provides specialized troubleshooters to tackle different issues. This app is like having a personal tech assistant at your disposal. Whenever you face an issue, you can simply head to the app and run a troubleshooter tailored for your specific problem.

The Trouble with Troubleshooting​

Troubleshooting might sound like a tedious tech-task often associated with dismal failure screens, but it doesn't have to be. Each troubleshooter is a diagnostic tool that checks for common configuration issues that can disrupt your experience. Here’s a breakdown of how you can use Get Help effectively.

Running Troubleshooters: Step-by-Step​

Let’s dig into how to run these handy troubleshooters:

1. Audio Troubleshooter

If you find your audio is acting up, consider running the audio troubleshooter. Here’s how:
  • Open the Get Help app.
  • In the search bar, type "audio troubleshooter."
  • Accept any prompts to proceed with diagnostics.
  • Allow the app to scan for issues and follow the on-screen prompts.

2. Network and Internet Troubleshooter

Got connectivity issues? Here’s your game plan for the network troubleshooter:
  • Launch the Get Help app.
  • Enter "network and internet troubleshooter" in the search bar.
  • Click on "Launch the network troubleshooter."
  • Follow the instructions until your connection is restored.

3. Printer Troubleshooter

Struggling with printing problems? Here’s what to do:
  • Open the Get Help app.
  • Type "printer troubleshooter" and select it.
  • Follow prompts to scan for your printer and troubleshoot any configuration errors.

4. Windows Update Troubleshooter

Updating Windows shouldn’t feel like a marathon where you just want to lie down at the finish line. To tackle update-related hiccups:
  • Launch the Get Help app.
  • Search for "windows update troubleshooter."
  • Follow the detailed steps that pop up to get those updates rolling again.

5. Camera Troubleshooter

Having camera issues during a video call? Use this:
  • Open the Get Help app.
  • Search for "camera troubleshooter."
  • Again, follow the on-screen steps for a resolution.

What Happens After Troubleshooting?​

Once you've run a troubleshooter, the Get Help app will provide findings from the diagnostic tests. This includes suggested fixes or steps to address any identified issues. If one of these solutions achieves the desired result, you can close the app and get back to your work or play.

A Wealth of Resources at Your Fingertips​

Besides running troubleshooters, the Get Help app offers an array of resources:
  • Common Troubleshooters: Covers various scenarios from sound problems to connectivity issues.
  • Related Topics: Link to more in-depth resources about the Get Help app and other support options.
  • Community Feedback: Users can provide feedback on how helpful the app was and suggestions for improvement.

When to Seek Additional Help​

Not all problems can be resolved through self-diagnosis. If after running the troubleshooters, issues persist, consider reaching out to Microsoft Support. You can also explore community forums or your organization's IT team if you're using a work device.


Having the ability to quickly troubleshoot problems is a superpower in the tech world. Whether you're a casual Windows user or a power user, the Get Help app's troubleshooters will save you time, hassle, and potentially a few gray hairs! So next time your PC throws a tantrum, remember that you have the tools to tackle it head-on.
Let us know how your troubleshooting journey goes or share any tips that have worked for you in the comments below!
Source: Microsoft Support Running troubleshooters in Get Help - Microsoft Support
