Windows 7 HP Quick Launch Buttons not Working


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Hi Everybody!

Here is the solution:

You should go to and search for HP Quick Launch Buttons drivers for your laptop model (mine is hp pavilion dv9000) so I download the sp38171.exe to some place in my computer...

...once the download is finished you should open this file and install HP Quick Launch Buttons.

Well, that is how simple I thought it was, but here is the real deal:
Once you have downloaded and opened the file, you will notice an error about some file named hpq(something).dll just after the Install Wizard opens.

When that happen, don`t click the application OK button. Before you do it, search for the files this self-extractor extracted in your disk, mine was in C:\SwSetup\SP38171.

Inside that folder there is a Disk 1 subfolder. Copy all the content of this subfolder and create a Folder for yourself as a resource just in case things go wrong again.

Now you can close that wizard.

After doing that, open the setup.exe file wherever you created the folder. But open it using the right-click button and selecting Troubleshoot Compatibility.

When its done, reboot you computer and that is it! From now on everytime you need to install it it will work fine.

Best regards,
Marcos Bressan
Computer Engineer
Campo Largo - Paraná - Brazil
[email protected]

This works but you may have to do a upgrade install in order for W7 to read the updated changes to drivers. I had a similiar issue with my HP Dv41155 pavillion 64-bit system. The Hp quick launch buttons driver was incompatible and this caused a malfunction in the audio. W7 only fully installed the updates after I did an upgrade install of the OS. This took only about ten minutes and no folder is neccessary.

P.S. W7 does not consume RAM resources like vista does so It faster.

Interesting. I just installed windows 7 and I skipped any sort of HP Quick Launch button install, and I'm not experiencing any problems at all. I can still use the volume buttons and such.
Now, I should mention that I don't use QuickPlay and so I didn't install that either.

I couldn`t understand this part:
Before you do it, search for the files this self-extractor (???) extracted in your disk, mine was in C:\SwSetup\SP38171. (found it)
Inside that folder there is a Disk 1 subfolder. Copy all the content of this subfolder and create a Folder for yourself as a resource just in case things go wrong again.

When you download the file (by selecting "download only" on the HP website) and save it to a folder, what you have downloaded is a "self-extracting file" that contains other files. When you double-click on it, it extracts all its contents into a new folder. By default this folder is located in C:\SwSetup\. So if you downloaded a file named '55555' and double-clicked it, you can go and find the folder C:\SwSetup\55555.

In this case, what is important is the contents found inside C:\SwSetup\SP38171\Disk 1. It isn't absolutely necessary for you to create your own folder as suk4m suggested, this is just a precaution. Just go to the folder mentioned above and follow his steps from there.

Cannot Upgrade Hp Quick Launch Button

I am in the same situation like suk4m , my laptop is Dv9550eo, so I follow exactly the same steps. BUT:
I Tried to install with XP Sp1, XP Sp2, Vista, Vista Sp1, Vista Sp2 and I got every time the same answer before reboot: Compatibility Issue, and after reboot the info is that Hp Quick Launch button will not work so that I need to restore my system to preview configuration.
Actually the version that is running is 6.20B of Quick launch button because of upgrade from Vista Premium to Windows 7.
Quick launch button is almost working for all buttons, I mean DVD and Volume, except for Quick Launch directly (top left from the keyboard), and I suspect dysfunction of Audio devices specially for Microphone.
Have you a solution?

