Windows 10 hta script to display animated GIFs in a folder and its subfolders


New Member
Sep 23, 2018
Dear Community,

in the Windows 7 Forum I found a working hta script to display animated GIFs located in a folder:
Animate GIF files in Windows Explorer?

Here is the hta script:

<body><script type="text/vbs">
set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fldr=fso.GetFolder(".")
for each file in fldr.files
if lcase(right(,4))=".gif" then
document.write "<img src=""" & & """>"
end if

Is there any way to modify this script, so it can not only display and animate GIFs of the folder where the hta file is located, but also include every subfolder in this folder?

Best regards,

set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fldr=fso.GetFolder(".")

WalkFolder fldr

Sub WalkFolder(CurrentFolder)
Dim SubFolder
For Each SubFolder In CurrentFolder.SubFolders
WalkFolder SubFolder

Dim CurrentFile
For Each CurrentFile in CurrentFolder.Files
IF lcase(right(,4))=".gif" then
document.write "<img src=""" & & """>"
end if
End Sub

This will recursively walk to the bottom of the directory structure and then process all the files. If you want it to only go a certain depth you could add a depth counter to the WalkFolder subroutine and stop walking at a programmed depth.

set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fldr=fso.GetFolder(".")

WalkFolder fldr

Sub WalkFolder(CurrentFolder)
Dim SubFolder
For Each SubFolder In CurrentFolder.SubFolders
WalkFolder SubFolder

Dim CurrentFile
For Each CurrentFile in CurrentFolder.Files
IF lcase(right(,4))=".gif" then
document.write "<img src=""" & & """>"
end if
End Sub

This will recursively walk to the bottom of the directory structure and then process all the files. If you want it to only go a certain depth you could add a depth counter to the WalkFolder subroutine and stop walking at a programmed depth.

Thank you very much! :)
But there is one problem left: The script seems to find every GIF in the subfolders of the current folder. But while it correctly displays the GIFs of the current folder / main folder, all GIFs of the subfolders look like this: (see the attached picture).

Best regards,

GIF Display Fail.webp

Did you make sure to replace your entire script?

I'd say look at the img src= and see if they are valid paths
