Windows 10 Hyper-V Enhanced Session Mode options not possible to invoke


Active Member
Sep 26, 2019

Few days ago I tried to use Hyper-V instead of VMware and many things I'm learning yet.

After first virtual machine start I could see dialog enhanced session mode settings with resolution and others - at that moment I didn't knew that it is important and I checked for use it always.
Later when I needed to connect USB I found problem:
1. I cannot connect USB through Disk management 'cause it is not possible to make it offline
2. I found over the net how to do it by configuring enhanced session mode settings, but...
- after setting mentioned checkbox I see dialog not again
I did these steps:
1. used reset checkboxes in Hyper-V settings and then stopped and started Hyper-V service
2. turned off and then on enhanced session mode in both points of Hyper-V settings after each action I stopped and started Hyper-V service
3. I tried in command line (as admin) to use vmconfigure localhost "<vm_name>" /edit
No matter what I did - dialog about enhanced session mode appears not again.
I saw in one document that it can require to have enabled remote connections.
I like not remote connections for safety, so this I use not, but if is it really req'd I'll do it.

Can anybody help me?

Thank you in advance.

The point of enhanced desktop is to allow host hardware (USB, disc drive etc) to be used by the virtual system... It is Late model Windows only so isn't available in W7 and doesn't use the same network that old remote desktop connections work from
There's nothing wrong with using RDP and it's probably going to be the least amount of hassle transferred data. You can also share storage out (including USBs between the host and guests

The point of enhanced desktop is to allow host hardware (USB, disc drive etc) to be used by the virtual system... It is Late model Windows only so isn't available in W7 and doesn't use the same network that old remote desktop connections work from
