Windows 7 I am unable to set up a home user network.


New Member
Apr 1, 2009
I have been trying to set up my Home User network, Just the main PC and a Laptop , both with Windows 7 beta Ultimate.
I have insatlled the sidebar and I have a USB printer connected to the PC which is the main computer. The Laptop can see the PC but the PC cannot see the Laptop. The laptop displays a This computer cannot run Homegroup. or something lioke it.:confused:

Both computers talk to each other with Vista installed. Both computers see the internet OK. Any help gladly received.:D


It seems like you are encountering some issues with setting up your home network between a Windows 7 Beta Ultimate PC and a laptop. Here are some steps you can follow to troubleshoot and address this problem:

### Enable Network Discovery and File Sharing:
1. On the Laptop:
- Make sure network discovery is turned on.
- Allow file and printer sharing in the network and sharing center.

2. On the PC:
- Enable network discovery and file sharing in the network and sharing center.
- Ensure that the network location is set to Home or Work, not Public.

### Check Homegroup Settings:
1. Homegroup Troubleshooter:
- Run the Homegroup troubleshooter on both systems to detect any issues with the Homegroup setup.

2. Check Homegroup Services:
- Make sure that the Homegroup Provider and Homegroup Listener services are running on both machines.

3. Leave Homegroup:
- If the Homegroup is causing issues, try leaving the Homegroup on both systems and setting up a new Homegroup.

### Workgroup Settings:
1. Check Workgroup Names:
- Ensure both computers are in the same workgroup. You can change the workgroup name in the system properties.

### Firewall and Antivirus Software:
1. Firewall Settings:
- Check the firewall settings on both computers to allow file and printer sharing through the network.

2. Antivirus Software:
- Some antivirus software can block network communication. Temporarily disable the antivirus and check if it helps.

### Printer Sharing:
1. Shared Printer:
- Make sure the printer on the main PC is shared correctly with network users.
- Install the printer drivers on the laptop to access the shared printer.

### Network Connectivity:
1. Ping Test:
- Perform a ping test from both machines to each other's IP addresses to check network connectivity.

### Update Network Drivers:
1. Check Network Adapter Drivers:
- Ensure that the network adapter drivers on both systems are up to date.

### Additional Tips:
  • Restart Both Machines: Sometimes a simple restart can resolve network issues.
  • Reconfigure Network Settings: If all else fails, you may need to reconfigure network settings from scratch.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue with your Home User network setup between the Windows 7 Beta Ultimate PC and the laptop. If you encounter any specific errors or issues during these steps, feel free to provide more details for further assistance.
