Windows 7 If you are not running anything newer than Win 7 RC...


New Member
Jun 11, 2009
This is for those who fall into this category....not the general tech public.

You are still running Beta Code.
Infact,, if you are not running 7600 build 16385......

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You will probably save yourself a ton of headaches and time. The issues may have already been fixed, or not exist.

Also,,,, If you have not checked for new drivers or updated software,, you should do that first.

Chances are you are probably still running Beta Code and there is no point in Troubleshooting it.


My apologies if I lead anyone to believe there was another official version other than Beta (now defunct) or the RC.
Or for implying on piracy (even though it is eluded to here quite a bit).
Wait till Shelf Release (GA? Genuine Authenticity) before resuming troubleshooting issues.

Other questions are of course always welcome.

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where and how do you get new versions?

RC7100 Is what I have and the only updates I have are a bunch of language stuff I neither want or need.

This is for those who fall into this category....not the general tech public.

You are still running Beta Code.
Infact,, if you are not running 7600 build 16385......

Instead of wasting time trying to fix or resolve issues in RC's you should update to a newer version.
You will probably save yourself a ton of headaches and time. The issues may have already been fixed, or not exist.

Also,,,, If you have not checked for new drivers or updated software,, you should do that first.

Chances are you are probably still running Beta Code and there is no point in Troubleshooting it.


The only (latest ) release to the public is the RC (7100). All builds since then remain unofficial, including 16385. But the comment still applies. There is little purpose in bug hunting any build at this stage. I am certain that within two weeks, when the RTM is officially released on MSDN and Technet, those who cannot obtain the RTM from legal sources, will undoutably find another source.

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RC7100 Is what I have and the only updates I have are a bunch of language stuff I neither want or need.

Same here. A load of language packs that i dont need, and windows defender updates daily

Have already ordered the retail pack, so should recieve that a couple of days after release, but for now I'm happy with 7100

I'm running 7600 and haven't had the first issue what so ever!

I can't say that for Vista..That's why I don't run it anymore. LOL :D

That's kinda sad sense I own a legal copy of Vista and don't even use it. :redface:

well I guess there is no way to do this "officially" so bah! On the other hand, really the only issue with W7 for me is drivers (allot of audio stuff) and even then, it mostly runs very well.

The worst thing I had was the wireless network card, but that has been replaced and for whatever reason runs MUCH better (even though no w7 drivers)

To hdfatboy, adduncan, chris & dave,
Exactly, the only Builds in the picture are 7000 the Windows 7 Beta & 7100 the Windows 7 RC.
Windows 7 RTM Build 7600 is not & will not be available!!
Next is GA Upgrade or Full version boxed retail media or new OEM computers.

Do not think you have missed something due to any mention of assertaining the RTM. You are absolutely correctly on track.

And yes, the Windows 7 Build Team is no longer taking Feedback or Bug Reports; not since the day of RTM. Discussion & Win7 forums continue but beta testing is closed. So the point about it is silly NOW to file submissions, that much is valid.


This jibes w/ this site having a zero tolerance to comments, text, entries, postings that point to theft, hacking, priracy , the bogus securment/procurment/installation/use of software; unpaid, non-genuine & such.

This site is not a venue for discussing, directing to, how tos or boasting about illegal software or practises.

Certainly, for most folks, this is only common sense & commenting on the obvious. Timely mention, merely.

MS Partner
Pres. Computer Issues

There is actually no forum ruling on discussion, DRew. As long as links to illegal programs etc are not posted, or, similarly to links or methods of cracking. The situation is improving, maybe because of the imminent launch of the RTM. There was a competition running on the web, which you may have seen, concerning the best Windows web page. I seemed to be the only one to vote for this site, some time ago, but it broke the rules and my vote was discounted on the grounds there was excessive discussion of piracy. As I say, the situation has improved considerably over recent weeks.
Not sure why I was included in the addresses of your first para?

Even though the OP didn't post any links he's still condoning illegally obtaining build 7600.. ;)

"Instead of wasting time trying to fix or resolve issues in RC's you should update to a newer version."

This quote is telling people to go out and get a newer build.. Ok, well the newer build would obviously be 7600 as it is the most recent build.. And as we all know the RTM will NOT be released to the general public.. So by telling people they should upgrade to a newer version your cryptically saying go out and download build 7600, and since the RTM won't be released to the general public to obtain this build you would have to use questionable methods to obtain it.. ;) Hence condoning the use of torrents to get a hold of software...

I agree that finding problems with the RC is a tad useless now but I don't think people should abandon it either.. It is still a very solid/useable build. I think people who are using the RC should continue to do just that until the GA hits.. Unless of course you do have a MSDN or Technet subscription, then by all means get the RTM when it is available through those channels.. :)

I realize you did state "This is for those who fall into this category....not the general tech public." at the very beginning of your post but don't think that's going to stop the "general tech public" from reading it or from not going out and illegally obtaining builds because it won't.. ;)

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That has got to be the longest non-statemnt I have ever read. lol.

So you defend the right of a user to use the water cooler as he or she wishes, because it is in the rules, but deny the right to follow the rules in another context. There have been dozens of references to downloaded builds on this site, without comment.

And Drew, "This jibes w/ this site having a zero tolerance to comments, text, entries, postings that point to theft, hacking, priracy , the bogus securment/procurment/installation/use of software; unpaid, non-genuine & such.

This site is not a venue for discussing, directing to, how tos or boasting about illegal software or practises.

This kind of comment, where you seem to set yourself up as both judge and jury, is the very thing which incites a retort. Leave such observations to the moderators or Admin.


The whole point of my original post was to save non-techy people the trouble of trying to troubleshoot an out dated build that (Most every regular poster on this forum are not running). Chances are that the lions share of issues have been resolved from the RC, with new builds (not saying anyone should go d/l a newer build, I have edited my original post) and driver updates.

That's it.

Also,, I am not saying abandon it either.
What I will add is that, if you are having major issues, then you may have to wait till Oct 22.
If newer driver releases are designed to work best with 7600 then your older builds might break as a result.
And ,, no point in troubleshooting.

I am only trying to save people headaches of troubleshooting outdated things for which have probably already been fixed or broken as a result of newer fixed things. I guess I didn't go into that detail though.
Wasting time, wasting breath, wasting space on irrelevant actions. And before anyone says it, no My OP is not irrelevant.

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That has got to be the longest non-statemnt I have ever read. lol.

So you defend the right of a user to use the water cooler as he or she wishes, because it is in the rules, but deny the right to follow the rules in another context. There have been dozens of references to downloaded builds on this site, without comment.

And Drew, "This jibes w/ this site having a zero tolerance to comments, text, entries, postings that point to theft, hacking, priracy , the bogus securment/procurment/installation/use of software; unpaid, non-genuine & such.

This site is not a venue for discussing, directing to, how tos or boasting about illegal software or practises.

This kind of comment, where you seem to set yourself up as both judge and jury, is the very thing which incites a retort. Leave such observations to the moderators or Admin.


I'm not "denying" anything..

I'm sorry RAK but if you haven't noticed there aren't exactly a great number of Moderators online at any given time so getting to all the "dozens of references to downloaded builds" takes some time.. ;)

Here is the reason why I won't try to run any of the leaked versions of the RTM. The RC is working just fine for me. I found this link on this website. Trying to pirate your operating system is a real bad idea.

Link Removed

There is a problem with drivers for my badly outdated motherboard but I am sure it will never get fixed. I need to upgrade my computer. But I also have to help a younger relative to support her 3 daughters. Her boyfriend can't find work in the bad economy. My computer upgrade remains on the back burner.

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