Windows 7 Intel inf update and windows experience rating


New Member
May 28, 2009

I can't install inf update, no matter what version i try (the one that came on my drivers dvd, the latest from intel,...)
My laptop has mobile intel 945PM express chipset (ASUS F3JP).

On vista or xp the installation takes a few seconds and asks for reboot.
But on W7, the moment i click install, it automatically says successful without asking for reboot.
And when i put my drivers DVD it detects intel inf update is missing (it only shows what's missing).
When you insert the drivers DVD (for vista or XP) it's the 1st thing you need to install, so i guess it's important.
Everything seems running fine, but is my laptop optimized?

Another question is about Windows experience rating, compared to vista.
HD has the same score.
Memory has more score.
Graphic drivers and processor have less score.
Is this normal?


It seems like you're encountering issues with installing the Intel INF update on your ASUS F3JP laptop running Windows 7. Let's address your concerns:

### Intel INF Update Installation Issue:
It's crucial to have the Intel INF Update installed correctly for optimal system performance. Here are a few things you can try to resolve the installation issue:
1. Manual Installation:
- Try manually installing the Intel INF Update. You can download the latest version directly from Intel's website and run the installer.
2. Run as Administrator:
- Right-click on the installer and select "Run as administrator." This ensures that the installation process has the necessary permissions.
3. Compatibility Mode:
- If the installer is not behaving as expected on Windows 7, try running it in compatibility mode for Windows Vista or XP. Right-click on the installer, go to Properties, and under the Compatibility tab, select the appropriate mode.
4. Check Event Viewer:
- Check the Event Viewer for any errors related to the installation. It might provide more details on why the installation is not completing as expected.

### Windows Experience Rating Comparison:
Regarding the Windows Experience rating differences between Windows 7 and Vista:
  • HD Score: It's normal for the same hard drive to maintain its score across different versions of Windows.
  • Memory Score: An increase in the memory score is expected as Windows 7 may handle memory more efficiently.
  • Graphics and Processor Scores: A decrease in these scores could be due to differences in driver support between Windows Vista and 7. It's essential to ensure you have the latest drivers installed for your graphics card and processor to optimize performance on Windows 7.

To fully optimize your laptop:
  • Drivers: Make sure all drivers are up to date, including graphics and chipset drivers.
  • Updates: Install all Windows updates to ensure compatibility and performance improvements.
  • Performance Monitoring: Use tools like Task Manager to monitor performance and ensure everything is running smoothly.

Feel free to try these steps and let me know if you encounter any issues during the process!
