Windows 10 Interesting file for Cortana


Cloud Security Engineer
Staff member
I found an interesting file for Cortana. It appears to be a very large list of commands some look like they have been collected from users computers. I would be curious to edit some of the most likely used commands such as Open Mail.
The file is here C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\BcsFile.json

Command/Search command fallback
{"open mail" : {"LL" : [["mail",1,0.13881],["open mail",11,0.12629],["searchtheweb",100,0.55755999999999994]], "TSK": [1406,1700], "SUP": []}}
Try replacing "mail" with "open dvd player" and see if it opens the dvd drive instead.
I don't use Cortana so I can't really test this.
Hey, but thanks for the post, this is VERY interesting! I am gonna fool around with these numbers a little!