Windows 7 Is This Real Vista Ult SP1 Full+ 7 Ult Full 4 Free?


New Member
Mar 30, 2009
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this pic from Microsoft UK Store
so did i get it right ?
Windows Vista Sp1 ult Full and u'll get Windows 7 ult full wen it's out for free u only have to pay for vista so this windows 7 deal they mean u get upgrade dvd for free or full dvd and if this so it will the E version or the Version With IE the normal one ?
That's right, if you buy a PC with Vista, or just the Vista o/s - you will get a "free" upgrade to 7.

Otherwise, nobody would be buying anything just now and Vista pre installed laptops would stay on the shelves.

Unfortunately , if you bought Vista previously - you don't get the free upgrade.

You might find a cheaper way to get just 7 on it's own if you look around - unless you want both o/s, of course.
There's a * after FREE (Windows 7 FREE!*). Check the bottom of that page for the explanation of that *. The * always means there's a catch and though it could be a tiny little sentence it could still make a big difference.
There's a * after FREE (Windows 7 FREE!*). Check the bottom of that page for the explanation of that *. The * always means there's a catch and though it could be a tiny little sentence it could still make a big difference.

the star for this sentence [ *Shipping charges may apply ]
That's right, if you buy a PC with Vista, or just the Vista o/s - you will get a "free" upgrade to 7.

Otherwise, nobody would be buying anything just now and Vista pre installed laptops would stay on the shelves.

Unfortunately , if you bought Vista previously - you don't get the free upgrade.

You might find a cheaper way to get just 7 on it's own if you look around - unless you want both o/s, of course.
if you were to go out and buy windows vista right now, some places offer the free upgrade when it releases even without a computer purchase, there will however be a 9.99 s&h charge for the upgrade to ship to you and so on and so on...
ps. this offer only applies to select markets... if you look around and do a few quick searches, you can find all the info in interviews with ms and this forum...
yes i remember when my partner got her new HP lappy and she took advantage of the free upgrade to win7 for JUST $9.99 turns out it was US dollars and ended up costing 30 odd bucks NZ which i thought was a pretty stink thing to do