Windows 7 Latency Issues after upgrading to Windows 7.


New Member
Aug 14, 2012
Hey guys, I've been having some issues with latency issues recently. It all started after upgrading from Vista to Windows 7.

I have tried upgrading all my drivers, and even downgrading my Network driver thinking it might fix the problem, but to no avail.

I am a big online gamer, so you can understand the frustration. My ping sits around 19-20 but will spike up to anywhere between 50-80 for 5 seconds, then back down. This happens every 15-20 seconds or so.

I've left DPC Latency Checker running while I disable both my audio drivers, with no change, as well as my Network driver, and the issue still persists.

Any help would be greatly appreciated ! I don't know what more I can do at this point.

This issue is definitely on my end, because my desktop computer has no latency issues, so I don't believe it is my ISP, and the issues didn't start till I upgrading my OS.
Hello Volumes,

Welcome to Windows 7 Forums!

Try resetting the TCP/IP stack...this has been shown to improve latency and overall speed on certain computers. From Command Prompt:
netsh winsock reset
You may need administrator privileges to complete this action.
Hello Volumes,

Welcome to Windows 7 Forums!

Try resetting the TCP/IP stack...this has been shown to improve latency and overall speed on certain computers. From Command Prompt:
netsh winsock reset
You may need administrator privileges to complete this action.