I'd like to update our regular members and visitors on what has been going on behind the scenes.
A few months ago, we negotiated a better rate with our awesome host through the Google Compute Engine. This does not drastically reduce hosting costs, but it does give more latitude for things like persistent snapshots of our database and backups in the event the website were ever to go down.
Nearly once a week, we update our main system to keep it up to date with the latest and best web server software on the market. We recently implemented QUIC on this website. Many people have no idea or no care what this is. However, in places that have shoddy Internet, but still use Chrome, this can give the ability for packet redundancy so that we the site can reach remote people around the world. Basically, QUIC protocol makes use of the UDP protocol. If the web browser or connection are not compatible with QUIC, the connection goes down to SPDY or standard HTTP/2.
For a quick understanding of how QUIC protocol on websites works, here is a tutorial from
some guy on YouTube Geoffrey Challen (Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo):
(Highly recommended)
Also, every week we update core add-on packages that we use to deliver you a better search experience on the website. We also use the latest Linux kernel on our main system as well as PHP (at this time Linux 4.12.5 and PHP 7.1.8).
We have big news coming! It is no secret that we use XenForo to power this website. It has been a long time coming, but within a few months, we will be upgraded to XenForo 2.0 when it becomes available. I believe that this will drastically improve page loading times as well as the experience our visitors have on WindowsForum.com.
For years, our team has been committed to helping provide an open forum for people around the world to share their knowledge and exchange ideas. This community is valuable and has helped millions of people, as well as encouraged people to work together in solving computer issues. I am proud of our accomplishments and we will continue to push it to the limit when it comes to providing you with the best forum experience we can possibly muster.
Thank you for reading and enjoy your use of this site! Please do not hesitate to visit our
Feedback Forum if you have ideas or ways that you think that we can improve your experience.