Windows 10 Lockbit 2.0??


Honorable Member
Do we have a new assailant? This sounds worse than the printnightmare scenario which I don't believe has been fixed yet... any thoughts?
New malware is created almost everyday from existing threat actors, individuals and state sponsored groups.
Thanks. While we are on the subject of malware etc., has the print nightmare been fixed yet? Thanks.
Supposedly a new patch for "PrintNightmare" is being released for August patches tomorrow. Hopefully that will take care of it for good.
I have not seen anything online about the fix. Will you pls post here when it happens. Thank you.
CVE-2021-36958 -- Is this the fix? The talk on the windows update page is rather confusing so just double checking.
No, that is the latest print spooler CVE disclosed after August patching with no fix presently. The work around is still the same. Stop and disable the print spooler service.
This link was sent to me by another help site - Tech Support Guy- I think it might be the one that precedes the last hack. True?