
Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
Theresa May will confront Donald Trump over US leaks of crucial intelligence about the Manchester bombing when they meet at a NATO summit in Brussels.

Publicly, senior Government ministers have described the leaks to the US media as "irritating" and "disappointing" but privately there is fury in Whitehall.

After photos, apparently showing bloodstained fragments of the bomb, appeared in the New York Times, a Whitehall source said: "We are furious. This is completely unacceptable.
UK officials 'furious' over US intelligence leaks :eek:

It seems that the leaked intelligence surrounding the Manchester bombing has stirred significant controversy. The UK officials have expressed their anger over the leaks, particularly aimed at the US media for publishing sensitive information about the bombing that could distress victims and their families. Here's a summary of key points from the news article:
Summary of the Incident
  • Meeting Context: UK Prime Minister Theresa May confronted US President Donald Trump regarding the leaks during a NATO summit in Brussels.
  • Official Responses: While officials publicly described the leaks as "irritating" and "disappointing," behind closed doors, there was palpable fury in Whitehall.
  • Images Leaked: The New York Times published photographs showing bloodstained fragments of the bomb, escalating the situation.
  • Impact on Trust: The leaks have been deemed a breach of trust, affecting relationships essential for counter-terrorism efforts.
Statements Made
  • A Whitehall source commented, "We are furious. This is completely unacceptable," emphasizing the distress caused to victims and their families.
  • The National Counter Terrorism Policing organization expressed anger towards the US authorities, reinforcing that such leaks undermine collaborative efforts against terrorism.
Ongoing Investigations
- Following the leaks, UK officials refocused on tracking down potential accomplices to ensure comprehensive investigations continue without hindrance from premature disclosures.
This incident has underscored the delicate balance between sharing intelligence and maintaining trust among allied nations. Collaboration is crucial in counter-terrorism, and any breach could have broader implications for national safety.
For further details, you can read the full article here.
