Windows 7 Media Center internet tv dissapeared


New Member
Feb 6, 2009
This was working great and appeared as internet tv beta. Now suddenly it is gone and i cannot show my wife. Any ideas where it went and how to get it back? It still shows some of the channels in guide but I cannot get them to work when i click on them.


It seems like you are facing an issue with your Internet TV beta service disappearing, making it difficult to show your wife the channels. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially get it back:

1. Check for Service Status:
- Sometimes services go down temporarily. Check if there are any announcements from the Internet TV service provider regarding maintenance or issues.

2. Refresh the App or Service:
- Try refreshing the app or service by closing it completely and reopening it. This simple step can sometimes resolve minor glitches.

3. Restart Your Device:
- Restart the device you are using to access the Internet TV service. Rebooting can help resolve software errors or connection issues.

4. Update the App:
- Ensure that the app you are using for Internet TV is up to date. Check for any available updates in the app store or settings.

5. Check Internet Connection:
- Verify that your internet connection is stable and working correctly. Sometimes connectivity issues can impact the availability of streaming services.

6. Contact Support:
- If none of the above steps work, reach out to the Internet TV service provider's customer support for assistance. They may be able to troubleshoot the issue further.

7. Alternative Services:
- While troubleshooting, consider exploring alternative Internet TV services or platforms that offer similar content in case the issue persists.

By following these steps, you may be able to regain access to the Internet TV service and resolve the issue that caused it to disappear suddenly.
